英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:18:05



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过去式: voiced 过去分词: voiced 现在分词: voicing 第三人称单数: voices

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  • 声音,嗓音
  • 代言人
  • 发言权,投票权,参与权
  • 愿望
  • 意见
  • 嗓子
  • 呼声
  • 【语】有声单音
  • 喉舌
  • 语声
  • 鸣声
  • 发声力,语言(力)
  • 想说话的欲望
  • 表述者
  • 选择
  • 【语法】语态
  • 表达,说出,讲出,提出,表示
  • 【语】使发成浊音
  • 把...发为声音,把...发为言语,用话把...说出来,用言语表达
  • 【音】调准(风琴管)
  • 评论
  • 鼓吹
  • 吐露
  • 发嗓音
  • 调(整)音
  • [C] 嗓音,说话声,歌唱声 sounds formed in the larynx and uttered through the mouth, especially by a person speaking or singing
  • [U] (口头或书面的)意见等,发言权,影响 (right to express one's) opinion, etc. in spoken or written words, influence
  • [S] (动词的)语态 contrast between a sentence in which the doer of action is subject (active) and one in which the person or thing affected is subject (passive)


1. a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated

e.g. the voice of the law
the Times is not the voice of New York
conservatism has many voices

2. the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a person's speech

e.g. A shrill voice sounded behind us

3. the ability to speak

e.g. he lost his voice

4. the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music

e.g. he tried to sing the tenor part

Synonym: part

5. expressing in coherent verbal form

e.g. the articulation of my feelings
I gave voice to my feelings

Synonym: articulation

6. the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract

e.g. a singer takes good care of his voice
the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations

Synonym: vocalizationvocalisationvocalismphonationvox

7. something suggestive of speech in being a medium of expression

e.g. the wee small voice of conscience
the voice of experience
he said his voices told him to do it

8. a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance

e.g. the noisy voice of the waterfall
the incessant voices of the artillery

9. an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose

e.g. the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major organs of government

Synonym: spokespersoninterpreterrepresentative

10. (metonymy) a singer

e.g. he wanted to hear trained voices sing it

11. (linguistics) the grammatical relation (active or passive) of the grammatical subject of a verb to the action that the verb denotes


1. give voice to

e.g. He voiced his concern

2. utter with vibrating vocal chords

Synonym: soundvocalizevocalise

1. 嗓音;歌声;说话声
When someone speaks or sings, you hear their voice .

e.g. Miriam's voice was strangely calm...
e.g. 'The police are here,' she said in a low voice...

2. 观点;意见
Someone's voice is their opinion on a particular topic and what they say about it.

e.g. What does one do when a government simply refuses to listen to the voice of the opposition?...
e.g. There was no disagreement, there were no dissenting voices.

3. 表达意见的权利;发言权
If you have a voice in something, you have the right to express an opinion on it.

e.g. Egypt is once again accepted as an important voice in Arab politics...
e.g. But your partners will have no voice in how you operate your company.

4. 表达,吐露(观点或感情)
If you voice something such as an opinion or an emotion, you say what you think or feel.


e.g. Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans...
e.g. The predominant opinion voiced by Detroit's Arab population seems to be one of frustration.

5. 主动语态/被动语态
In grammar, if a verb is in the active voice, the person who performs the action is the subject of the verb. If a verb is in the passive voice, the thing or person affected by the action is the subject of the verb.

6. (克服恐惧、惊讶或困难)开口说话
If someone finds their voice, they start to speak in spite of fear or surprise or difficult circumstances.

e.g. 'Kurt Kohn was my paternal grandfather's name,' Laura said when she found her voice.

7. (作家)形成个人风格,找到属于自己的写作主题
If you say that a writer finds his or her voice, you mean that he or she finds a style and subject matter that are personal and original.

e.g. The poems which he wrote in the trenches are generally agreed to be those in which he found his true voice.

8. 表达(观点);表露(需求);表白(心迹)
If you give voice to an opinion, a need, or a desire, you express it aloud.

e.g. ...a community radio run by the Catholic Church which gave voice to the protests of the slum-dwellers.

9. 放低声音;轻声讲话
If someone tells you to keep your voice down, they are asking you to speak more quietly.


e.g. Keep your voice down, for goodness sake.

10. (因病)失声,不能讲话
If you lose your voice, you cannot speak for a while because of an illness.

e.g. I had to be careful not to get a sore throat and lose my voice.

11. 提高嗓门/压低嗓门
If you raise your voice, you speak more loudly. If you lower your voice, you speak more quietly.

e.g. He raised his voice for the benefit of the other two women...
e.g. She'd lowered her voice until it was barely audible.

12. 以最大的声音;声嘶力竭地
If you say something at the top of your voice, you say it as loudly as possible.

e.g. 'Damn!' he yelled at the top of his voice.

13. 异口同声地;众口一词地
If a number of people say something with one voice, they all express the same opinion about something.

e.g. This would enable the community to speak with one voice in world affairs.

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  • 经典引文

    表露(感情、忧虑等) express feelings, worries, etc.

1. with one voice : 异口同声地;

2. lift up one's voice : 高声叫喊, 大声疾呼;

3. at the top of one's voice : 高声地;

4. raise one's voice : 提高嗓门说, 生气地大声说;

5. find one's voice : 能说话了;

  • The actress' voice, very low and very soft, made the audience give up whispering and listen.
  • Her voice went down an octave.
  • Our voices echoed in the empty house.
  • His voice quivered with rage.
  • Even though he was getting angry, his voice remained level.
  • Our voices were drowned by the noise of the machinery.
  • The actor's voice gave out before he reached his most dramatic scene.
  • He gave the news out in a grave voice.
  • When the student answered the question in a very low voice, the teacher asked him to say it once more.
  • She always puts on a posh voice to talk to the vicar.
  • He was afraid the old man was deaf. He raised his voice and pronounced every word carefully.
  • Our newspaper represents the voice of the people.
  • The people must have a voice.
  • All countries must be equal and have an equal voice in world affairs.
用作名词 (n.)
  • Muttering with hoarse, harsh voice.

  • The voice of animals is produced by the passage of air through this aperture.

    出自:W. Youatt
  • An uncompromising child, voicing what other people only thought.

    出自:U. Holden
  • The Kremlin..voiced concern at Austria's application to join the European Community.

  • 词语用法

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  • 常见错误

  • 词源解说

  • voice的基本意思是“嗓音,说话声,歌唱声”,可指人说、唱、哭、笑所发出的声音,也可指鸟鸣,但不指野兽等的吼叫,用作可数名词; 用于比喻可指“(口头或书面的)意见等”“发表意见的权利”“影响”,用作不可数名词; 还可指(动词的)“语态”,常用单数形式。
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0词性常用度
voice, sound
  • 这两个词都可表示“声音”。其区别是:
  • sound含义广泛,可以指任何听得到的声音; voice主要指人的声音,包括说话、唱歌或笑声,有时也指鸟的叫声,但很少指动物的叫声,有时可用于比喻。例如:
  • I wish my house were out of sound of street noises.但愿我的房子离得远些,听不到街上的嘈杂声就好了。
  • It was the sound of a girl's voice.是一个女孩子说话的声音。
  • It is the voice of truth.这是真理之声。
  • n.(名词)

      He continued speaking with a very loud voice.

      He continued speaking in a very loud voice.


    • ☆ 13世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的voiz,意为声音;最初源自拉丁语的vocem,意为声音。
    • 中考真题例句

    中考真题例句 OG 1.voice

    Nobody can hear you unless you speak in a louder voice.



    中考真题例句 OG 2.voice

    It recognizes your mouth's movements and turns them into voice or text messages.



    中考真题例句 OG 3.voice

    They listened in amazement as the voice of a singer was heard through the wires.



    中考真题例句 OG 1.voice

    He used his pen to fight social inequality and gave voice to the poor.



    中考真题例句 OG 2.voice

    It encourages doctors to voice their needs on the websites.



    中考真题例句 OG 3.voice

    In New York City, three phone booths in Time Square are turned into places for immigrant(移民) voices.



    • 近义词

    • 反义词

    • 临近词

    Her voice was faintly mocking.(她的声音略带一丝嘲弄。)
    His voice was low and urgent.(他的声音低沉而急切。)
    His voice was harsh and unmusical.(他的声音刺耳难听。)
    Her voice was surprisingly calm.(她的声音出人意料地平静。)
    Miriam's voice was strangely calm.(米里亚姆的声音出奇地平静。)
    Her voice dropped to a whisper.(她压低声音小声说话。)
    She used her most seductive voice.(她运用了自己最有魅力的嗓音。)
    Her voice trembled with excitement.(她激动得声音颤抖。)
    Her voice trailed off ineffectually.(她的声音渐渐微弱得听不见了。)
    Her voice lowered as she spoke.(她一边说一边压低了嗓音。)
    voice是什么意思 voice在线翻译 voice什么意思 voice的意思 voice的翻译 voice的解释 voice的发音 voice的同义词