形容词: correctional
形容词: correctional
1. the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake
setting right
Synonym: rectification
2. treatment of a specific defect
e.g. the correction of his vision with eye glasses
3. the act of punishing
e.g. the offenders deserved the harsh discipline they received
Synonym: discipline
4. a drop in stock market activity or stock prices following a period of increases
e.g. market runups are invariably followed by a correction
5. something substituted for an error
6. a rebuke for making a mistake
Synonym: chasteningchastisement
7. a quantity that is added or subtracted in order to increase the accuracy of a scientific measure
Synonym: fudge factor
1. (尤指对作业的)批改,修改
Corrections are marks or comments made on a piece of work, especially school work, which indicate where there are mistakes and what are the right answers.
2. (对罪犯的)惩罚,处罚
Correction is the punishment of criminals.
e.g. ...jails and other parts of the correction system.
e.g. ...the Department of Correction.
3. see also: correct
1. 纠正:3)作为一名合格的瑜伽老师如何在瑜伽朝阳门 瑜伽当中将演示(presentation)、讲解(instruction)和纠正(correction)有机结合
2. 更正:你如果选错的话,计算机会自动更正(correction),但是你的分数就会很糟糕喔!抄完许可后,会交接给地面管制席(Ground Control,以下简称GC). 当飞机跟GC联络,你必须给予后推指示,并且同时指定使用跑道和滑行路线(通常有3条可以选择),
3. 修正:觉醒要求我们向内检查自己的信念与思想,因为修正(correction)只能发生在一个人的心内. 当我们来看世界上的选择的时候,有时候我们心力憔悴的感觉会表现为不同的形式. 以下的对话(发生在David和几个朋友之间)从提问者表达自己的焦躁不定(restlessness)开始,
1. under correction : 有待改正;