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美 [klɪntʃ]





过去式: clinched 过去分词: clinched 现在分词: clinching 第三人称单数: clinches

  • 双解释义
  • 英英释义
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  • vi. (尤指两人)互相紧紧抱〔扭〕住 (of two people) hold each other tightly with the arms,especially when fighting
  • vt. 〈非正〉解决(争端、交易);达成(协议) settle (a business matter or an agreement) firmly
  • vt. 成功取得;赢得 succeed in achieving or winning sth


1. (boxing) the act of one boxer holding onto the other to avoid being hit and to rest momentarily

2. a tight or amorous embrace

e.g. come here and give me a big hug

Synonym: hugsqueeze

3. a device (generally used by carpenters) that holds things firmly together

Synonym: clamp

4. the flattened part of a nail or bolt or rivet

5. a small slip noose made with seizing

Synonym: clench


1. settle conclusively

e.g. clinch a deal

2. flatten the ends (of nails and rivets)

e.g. the nails were clinched

3. secure or fasten by flattening the ends of nails or bolts

e.g. The girder was clinched into the wall

4. embrace amorously

5. hold in a tight grasp

e.g. clench a steering wheel

Synonym: clench

6. hold a boxing opponent with one or both arms so as to prevent punches

1. 达成(协议等);取得(胜利)
If you clinch something you are trying to achieve, such as a business deal or victory in a contest, you succeed in obtaining it.

e.g. Hibernian clinched the First Division title when they beat Hamilton 2-0...
e.g. This has fuelled speculation that he is about to clinch a deal with an American engine manufacturer.

2. 解决;提供明确解决方法
The thing that clinches an uncertain matter settles it or provides a definite answer.

e.g. Evidently this information clinched the matter...
e.g. That was the clue which clinched it for us.

3. (恋人之间的)拥抱,搂抱
If two people who love each other are in a clinch, they are holding each other tightly.

e.g. They were caught in a clinch when their parents returned home unexpectedly.

1. 钳住对手:虚击 feint | 钳住对手 clinch | 先击拳 lead

2. 决定:clinandrium 花粉囊 | clinch 决定 | clincher 紧钳

3. 钉牢:clinch 敲弯 | clinch 钉牢 | clinchertyre 嵌合轮胎


4. 铆紧:clinch 半结铆紧 | clinch 铆紧 | clinch 敲弯 钉牢 绳索一端的活结圈套 半结

  • 常用例句
  • 经典引文
  • The fighters clinched in the corner.
  • His earlier, considered, authenticated and definite wish clinched the matter.

    出自:Anthony Smith
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
We don't accept us dollars, please Swiss francs to clinch a deal business.(我方不收美元,请最好用瑞士法郎来成交生意。)
Rio Ferdinand is likely to miss out as United aim to clinch the Premier League title against Arsenal on Saturday afternoon.(里奥。费迪南德很可能缺阵周末下午和阿森纳将决定本赛季联赛冠军归属的比赛。)
From this perspective, the business there is no starting point and end point, every clinch a deal could be a starting point!(从这个角度而言,生意不存在起点与终点,每一次成交都有可能成为起点!)
Top ten best mentor can taught you how to clinch a deal the drainage technique and method!(顶峰十佳导师可以手把手教你引流技巧和成交方法!)
Learning how to deal with the clinch is an essential defensive component.(学习如何对付箍颈是防御的重要组成部分。)
In 1900 George Clinch published a new, extensive study in The Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist.(1900年乔治·克林齐在期刊《圣物箱与插图考古学家》中发表了一项全新的深入研究。)
How did you manage to clinch the deal?(你把那协议谈妥了,是怎么做到的?)
You use a percentage exchange, efforts and success will not clinch a deal.(你用一百分的努力和成功做交换,没有不成交的。)
Mike Bryan talked about getting the chance to clinch the victory.(迈克·布莱恩谈论有机会取得胜利。)
In boxing, to clinch means to hold the opponent's body with one or both arms in order to prevent or hinder punches.(在拳击中,扭抱意味着用一只或两只手臂抓住对手的身体,以阻止或阻碍击打。)
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