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更新时间:2024-05-07 02:29:39

英 [ˈwɪmzi]

美 [ˈhwɪmzi, ˈwɪm-]





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1. the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment

e.g. I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory

Synonym: flightinessarbitrarinesswhimsicalitywhimseycapriciousness

2. an odd or fanciful or capricious idea

e.g. the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories
he had a whimsy about flying to the moon
whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it

Synonym: notionwhimwhimsey

1. 奇思异想;不同寻常的行为
Whimsy is behaviour which is unusual, playful, and unpredictable, rather than having any serious reason or purpose behind it.

1. whimsy的近义词

1. 奇想:whimsicality 异想天开 | whimsy 奇想 | whine 发牢骚

2. 心情浮动:whimsicality 心情浮动 | whimsy 心情浮动 | whin 棘豆

3. 怪念头:hypocrisy 伪善 | whimsy 怪念头 | flimsy 站不住脚的

4. 异想天开的怪念头:Pediatrics 小儿科(就是儿科 不是内个小儿科啊) | Whimsy 异想天开的怪念头 | Eclair 法式点心

  • 经典引文
  • The train had..stopped at some chance spot..someone's whimsy.

    出自:M. Bradbury
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
But those impulses can also strip a language of its wit, whimsy, and play, not to mention its capacity to accommodate new concepts and usages.(然而这些憧憬同样也会剥削去一门语言的智慧、诙谐和乐趣,以及接受新概念和新用法的空间。)
Dangling charms help to add an element of glamour, whimsy and luxury to packages.(悬垂魅力帮助购买要素的魅力,新奇和豪华包。)
But after hearing that youngster, ms Boyd, a social-media researcher at Microsoft research New England, felt that something more than whimsy might be at work.(然而,作为微软新英格兰研究中心的一名社会与媒体研究人员,波伊德女士在听完那位年轻人的描述之后,却感到事情背后或许大有蹊跷。)
Vera Wang, who was a CNN commentator for the ceremony, wrote in an E-mail message: "Diana's dress had a sense of innocence, whimsy, almost storybook romance."(薇拉•王,在CNN直播婚礼时进行现场解说,在一封电子邮件中这么写道:“戴安娜王妃的婚纱透着一股子俏皮稚气,充满童话故事式的浪漫味道。”)
Beautiful young people are the whimsy of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art.(漂亮的年轻人是大自然的奇想,而漂亮的老人却是艺术的杰作。)
He had a whimsy about flying to the moon.(他有个想飞上月球的怪念头。)
Yesterday I suddenly get a interesting idea, but it is not mature, and this idea is a little whimsy.(我昨天突然想到了一个有趣的观点,不过还不成熟,而且这个观点有些怪异哦。)
Don George (Editor, Lonely Planet) : I think families who have a real sense of whimsy and fantasy are likely to love Treesort.(唐·乔治(《寂寞星球》编辑):我想那些喜欢异想天开的家庭有可能会喜欢树屋度假村。)
I think you'd appreciate being left alone to explore at your own pace, to delve as deeply or shallowly as whimsy strikes you.(我想你会感谢他让你一个人,按照自己的节奏探索,深浅都由你的意愿决定。)
These days, the spirit of in-jokes and whimsy lives on, but it has moved to new addresses: video games and movies-especially movies on DVD.(现如今,玩笑和搞怪精神犹在,但我们更多的是在电子游戏和电影DVD中见到这些彩蛋。)
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