副词: tangibly 名词: tangibility
副词: tangibly 名词: tangibility
1. capable of being treated as fact
e.g. tangible evidence
his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor
Synonym: real
2. capable of being perceived
especially capable of being handled or touched or felt
e.g. a barely palpable dust
felt sudden anger in a palpable wave
the air was warm and close--palpable as cotton
a palpable lie
Synonym: palpable
3. perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch
e.g. skin with a tangible roughness
Synonym: touchable
4. (of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value
e.g. tangible property like real estate
tangible assets such as machinery
1. 清晰可见的;摸得着的;感觉得到的;明显的
If something is tangible, it is clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen, felt, or noticed.
e.g. There should be some tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover...
e.g. The relief was almost tangible.
1. 切实的:与此同时,SED的进程带来了一些切实的(tangible)成果,例如在证券方面,中国政府表达了对于国外资本在国内证券市场进行投资是可接受的新意愿,而且中国政府同意对外资所有权限制的问题,
2. 实体的:在香港,消费者委员会定期会做一些产品测试报告,但大部份都是实体的(tangible)产品. 电脑软件或者是网上服务据我记忆所及,是没有做过的. 例如香港很多机构/个人都有帮衬 web/email hosting 公司,市面也有非常多这类公司,
3. tangible
3. 有形资产:有形资产(Tangible) vs.无形资产(Intangible)金融资产(Financial) vs. 实物资产(Real)
Desire of having some visible and tangible object of adoration.
出自:Ld MacaulayA very early period..known to us..by the tangible memorials of primitive inhabitants.
出自:C. D. E. FortnumThe atmosphere was charged, the expectation almost tangible.
出自:J. Herbert