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更新时间:2025-03-10 21:10:20

take by surprise

英 [teik bai səˈpraiz]

美 [tek baɪ sɚˈpraɪz]

袭取; 使某人吃一惊; 出其不意[毫不预示]地攻击,捕获

The officers have decided how they will take the city by surprise.(军官们已决定了突袭这座城市的办法。)
Someone you least expect will take you by surprise.(从没考虑过的某人会让你大吃一惊。)
Let's keep this plan under wraps, so we can take them by surprise.(让我们先将这个计划保密,这样才能给大家惊喜。)
To ensure success, we'll have to take them by surprise.(要确保胜利,我们就必须出其不意、攻其不备。)
The best flirtatious moments will always take you by surprise.(那精彩的瞬间总能带给你惊喜。)
Then again it would sweep along diagonally as if to take everything by surprise breaking branches carrying off roof-tiles and snapping electric wires.(忽然横扫,乘其不备的袭击着地上的一切,扭折了树枝,吹掀了屋瓦,撞断了电线;)
He often expected to take the essentials by surprise, by an amusing stratagem.(他常常指望用一种逗乐似的策略,在出其不意中把问题的要点抓住。)
They reduced the odds that a predator would take us by surprise or that we'd overlook a nearby source of food.(这样一来,我们被对手突袭的机会减小了,也不会错过触手可及的食物。)
The thought was to surprise the clientele by letting them discover new textures, new colours and new scents in every step they take or even in every visit they make.(设计师想要通过新的材质,新的颜色和新的味道来使顾客每一步都感受到不同和惊奇。)
You know he really tried to take me, Down by surprise.(如果他们企图发动突然袭击,我们就有能够''。)
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