take a vacation

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take a vacation

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:38:39
  • 单语例句
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take a vacation的意思

1. If you were really wealthy you would take a winter vacation in some sunny spot and your winter tan would declare your wealth.

2. Her husband retired in March and her eldest son will take a vacation so they can attend the Shanghai exhibition together.

3. He has sacrificed his winter vacation to take part in a training program to improve his ability to speak and write the Xibe language.

1. Planning a Vacation may take some research to meet any family budget or other...

2. take a vacation的解释

2. From cruise ships to volcanic cliffs, Elf Bowling: Hawaiian Vacation will take you on a crazy bowling adventure with the zaniest characters around!

3. Dan Nguyen month that most of the British festival will choose to take a vacation, and she, like many Chinese students, taking advantage of...

4. Unit 8 I would like to take a vacation.

5. Therefore they planed to take a visit there during the vacation.

6. take a vacation

6. One of these days, id like to take a vacation.

7. take a vacation

7. My legal opinion is that you take a Brazilian vacation. Permanently.

8. Look after, have a cold, get back, take a vacation, depend on, look at, come over, begin with, turn on, cut up, mix up, add…..to, hang out, sleep late, take part in, major in, grow up, do the dishes, take out, make one`s bed, work on, do chores, do the laundry, take care of


9. I need to take a vacation somewhere sunny and warm!

10. take a vacation

10. You can use the money to pay off other debts, take a vacation or start a home improvement project.

11. If you have a vacation day or two to take, treat yourself to some extrasleep and a more leisurely schedule.

12. A Cloy goes to Mexico to take vacation, had not thought that actually became lost in there.

13. Take my family on a vacation cruise.

14. In this article Isaac Wilkins shows an example of a quick ten-minute workout that will keep your metabolism high and won't take precious time from your vacation or business trip....

15. If you'd like to take a bicycle vacation in the company of more experienced riders, you can take a supported tour where the food is catered and your gear is carried.

16. take a vacation的反义词

16. Let`s take advantage of the long vacation and make a trip to HongKong.

17. Later, in July and August you will be too busy to take a vacation, for home and career developments will keep you hopping.

18. Watertown is a great place for the family to take a vacation.
水上乐园是一个举家旅游的好地方 5。


19. I'd like to take a week's vacation next month.

20. At some point in our life, we owe it to ourselves to take a well-deserved vacation.

  • 临近词
My neighbors would take care of our house if we take a vacation out.(我们出去度假时邻居们帮我们照看房子。)
If time pressures are prolonged, take a vacation day or a long weekend.(如果是长时间的处于压力之中,可以休息一天或请个长假。)
Mike: I'm glad to help. I'll do anything to make you take a vacation.(迈克:我很愿意帮忙,我会尽我所能让你去度假的,玛丽亚。)
Return to school, take up a hobby, or take a vacation.(回到学校读书,培养一个兴趣,或者去度假吧!)
Take a vacation. Go on a trip.(度一个假期去旅行。)
Or better yet, take a vacation. Just the two of you.(或者更好的办法是去度假,就你们两个。)
One of these days, I'd like to take a vacation.(过些日子我要休一次假。)
Terri: Derrick, don't you think you should take a vacation?(特里:戴里克,你不觉得应该去休个假吗?)
You look tired—you should take a vacation.(你看上去很累,应该休假了。)
It is time for me to take a vacation.(我是时候休假了。)
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