She brought with her a beautiful little swan!(她还带来了一只漂亮的小天鹅!)
So my black swan doesn't have feathers.(因此我的黑天鹅可没长羽毛。)
Swan-Ganz catheter and radial artery catheter were used to monitor the cardiac output, pulmonary arterial pressure, and arterial blood pressure.(漂浮导管和桡动脉导管用于监测心输出量,肺动脉压和动脉血压。)
It starts out ugly and becomes a beautiful swan.(开始很丑,然后变成一只美丽的天鹅。)
The team's mascot is a giant swan.(这个队的吉祥物是只大天鹅。)
The white one's name is Swan and the brown one I call it Bear.(白色的叫“天鹅”,棕色的叫“小熊”。)
I competed in the winter Olympics, which was my swan song.(我参加了冬季奥运会,那是我的告别比赛。)
You're Bella Swan now.(那么你和贝拉·斯万也就一样了。)
You've never seen a black swan.(你从没见过黑色的天鹅)
A swan is white.(天鹅是白色的。)
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