过去式: surrendered 过去分词: surrendered 现在分词: surrendering 第三人称单数: surrenders
过去式: surrendered 过去分词: surrendered 现在分词: surrendering 第三人称单数: surrenders
1. the act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions)
e.g. they were protected until the capitulation of the fort
Synonym: capitulationfall
2. the delivery of a principal into lawful custody
3. a verbal act of admitting defeat
Synonym: giving upyielding
4. acceptance of despair
Synonym: resignation
1. give up or agree to forgo to the power or possession of another
e.g. The last Taleban fighters finally surrendered
Synonym: give up
2. relinquish possession or control over
e.g. The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in
Synonym: cededelivergive up
1. 投降;屈服
If you surrender, you stop fighting or resisting someone and agree that you have been beaten.
e.g. General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender...
e.g. She surrendered to the police in London last December.
她去年 12 月在伦敦向警方自首。
2. (被迫)放弃,交出
If you surrender something you would rather keep, you give it up or let someone else have it, for example after a struggle.
e.g. Nadja had to fill out forms surrendering all rights to her property...
e.g. Gen. Morgan's troops yesterday surrendered their heavy weapons to Belgian and US troops.
3. 交出,出示(票证、护照等)
If you surrender something such as a ticket or your passport, you give it to someone in authority when they ask you to.
e.g. They have been ordered to surrender their passports.
4. 屈服;屈从
You use surrender to refer to someone's attitude or behaviour when they lose the will to resist their feelings or the demands of other people.
e.g. ...the need for total personal surrender to and dependence on Jesus...
e.g. Depression is a partial surrender to death...
1. (臣服):那么让他来决定什 么对你最有益,显然不够明智,你可以选择,但你什么也控制不了. 你可以 用你的意 识,去 选择你 要的那种生活 (experience),但你必须放手,不去管它是否会实现,怎么 出现,以及何时呈现,臣服(surrender)才是关键.
2. surrender是什么意思
2. 交出:他指出,在技术层面上,州政府要发出永久地契,一是发出全新的地契给村民;其二是地契期限未满(如60年或99年)的村民,需先交出(Surrender)原有的地契给州政府,再让州政府发出永久地契给他们.
We shall never surrender to a conqueror.
He voluntarily surrendered to the police.
The government has surrendered to the pressure of big business and lowered interest rates.
surrender to sthIt's better to surrender to your grief for a time, then you will be able to deal with your feeling.
surrender oneself to sthThe bandit chief surrendered himself to despair and took his own life.
Don't surrender yourself to pleasure, or to a bad habit.
勿耽逸乐; 勿染恶习。
1. surrender oneself to : 沉溺于;
Her voice was filled with surrender to his..assertiveness.
出自:H. RobbinsAs a result of the war, Finland was surrendered to Russia.
出自:Social History of MedicineHaving surrendered all our local currency..we had no money to buy food.
出自:G. BoycottShe..surrendered all property rights in the settlement.
出自:S. Bellow