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副词: supernally

  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释


1. of heaven or the spirit

e.g. celestial peace
ethereal melodies
the supernal happiness of a quiet death

Synonym: celestialethereal

2. being or coming from on high

e.g. interpret the plague as a visitation from heaven, a supernal punishment for the sins of men

1. 天上,神圣的:superlative 最高,无上的 | supernal 天上,神圣的 | supernatural 超自然,神奇的

2. supernal什么意思

2. 天上的:supermundane 非现世的 | supernal 天上的 | supernatant 浮在表面的

3. 天上的/神的/高的:supermutagen /高效诱变剂/ | supernal /天上的/神的/高的/ | supernatant /浮在表面的/

4. 天堂的,天上的:superlative 最佳的 | supernal 天堂的,天上的 | supersede 淘汰,取代

  • 近义词
  • 反义词
  • 临近词
Arcadia: a Supernal realm where the Ruling Arcana are Fate and Time. Mages who walk the Acanthus Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.(阿卡迪亚:主导奥秘为命运和时间的上域。行于阿坎·萨斯之道的法师们控制着该领域的守望塔。)
There are a group of stone peaks lining up athwart-ships in the east of Drunken Arhat. Some are like lamps, some spears, some giant axes, and some supernal dogs squatting.(醉罗汉峰东面,一组石峰高耸横列,有的似灯,有的似矛,有的像柄巨斧,有的像神犬蹲伏。)
Stygia: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Death and Matter. Mages who walk the Moros Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.(冥河:主导奥秘为死亡和物质的上域。行于莫洛斯之道的法师控制着该领域的守望塔。)
Invisible Truth, the: Awareness and knowledge of the supernatural world, especially the Supernal world and the Mysteries.(无形的真实:对超自然世界,尤其指对上界与神秘的认知与了解。)
Of thy supernal sinusoidal spell?(岂知你崇高的正弦魅力乎?)
Third, the supernal vitality and regenerative ability of primitive myth.(原生神话超强的生命力与再生力;)
Put in something about the Supernal Oneness . Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.(说一点天上的一元论,千万别谈地狱的二元论。)
I fancy that as to his nature and as to his mind he is so, and that but for the supernal criticism, but for his soul, he might be that kind of man in very act and deed.(我想就他的本质与内在而言,要不是超自然的批评,要不是灵魂,他也会在行为与动作的方方面面都会是那种人。)
It has virtue of strong function, supernal efficiency and shortens development time of single - chip microcomputer system.(它具有功能强,效率高的优点,并且缩短了单片机系统开发所需时间。)
You utter ancient words of Supernal, conjuring a silvery glyph that repels your foes.(你念诵古老的天界之语,创造一个银色的符文用来击退你的仇敌。)
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