south africa

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south africa

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:31:45

south africa基本解释


[地名] [阿非利加洲] 南非


形容词: SouthAfrican

  • 网络解释

1. 南非:那天在凤凰卫视上听到一个人讲,当今世界除了金砖四国BRIC(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国),还有五个极具发展潜力的国家,被称为Vista,他们是越南(Vietnam), 印度尼西亚(Indonesia), 南非(South Africa), 土耳其(Turkey)和阿根延(Argentina).

2. South Africa的解释

2. 非:No.6 南非 (South Africa) 的太阳城 (Sun City)南非的太阳城是南半球最大的赌场之一. 这个豪华的度假胜地位于约翰内斯堡 (Johannesburg) 西北部,自1979年开业以来发展得极为迅速. 除了赌场,这个度假胜地还有众多令人神往之处.

  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. The pair will be charged under South Africa's Marine Living Resources Act for bribery and for being in possession of a protected species.

2. But China didn't win any events in Montreal and managed only five medals overall, the same number as nontraditional swimming countries South Africa and Canada.

3. The oldest and best wine region in South Africa is around Stellenbosch, a short drive from Cape Town on the country's southern coast.

4. South Africa is often labeled " the violent crime capital of theworld " with nearly daily reports of gruesome crimes and grim statistics.

5. The agency said the move reflects South Africa's slow economic recovery, climbing government debt and rising capital influx through portfolio investments.

6. It was a crushing win for South Africa, especially after England closed day one on 267 for 3 but then failed to capitalize.

7. South Africa and the North African region are the continent's top performers in terms of car sales.

8. Aristide's jet refueled on the island of Antigua and was en route to South Africa, government and airport officials in that Caribbean country said.

9. Castrol and CCTV signed a contract on Monday for the exclusive sponsorship of CCTV's broadcasting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.

10. On Sunday Mbeki will reveal the logo for the 2010 World Cup during the handover ceremony from Germany to South Africa.

1. Its force was so strong that the water displacement it had produced on the ocean floor caused massive tsunamis to roll to countries of South Asia, South East Asia and East Africa.

2. South Africa在线翻译

2. South Africa is best known for its incredible wildlife reserves, and they are undoubtedly amazing.

3. The map does not show well the strong Caucasoid component in northern Africa, but it does show the unity of the other Caucasoids from Europe, and in West, South, and much of Central Asia.

4. Any of various deciduous or evergreen herbs of the genus Haemanthus; South Africa and Namibia.

5. Of the nine original studs used to establish the breed, six bloodlines are used solely for breeding at the Spanish Riding School and Lipizzaners of South Africa at Kyalami.
该九原钉用于建立品种,6血统是纯粹用于育种在西班牙骑术学校和lipizzaners ,南非在卡拉米赛道。

6. But later, he became president of South Africa and won the Nobel Peace Prize.


7. For example, South Africa must have a securities borrowing and lending banks on behalf of custody of money or securities as collateral, and in accordance with the day-to-day mark-to-market system, which requires the value of collateral is higher than the value of securities lending.

8. In the process he sheds considerable light on more than half a century of South Africa's difficult history.

9. Raw materials account for most of South Africa's exports to China but businesses in other sectors, including wine, are waking up to the potential of eastern markets, writes Richard Lapper.

10. SABRI is the first non-government, non-profit medical research organization established in South Africa.

11. South Africa的解释

11. Cowrie whose shell is used for money in parts of South Pacific and Africa.

12. A Netherlands newspaper, the Brabants Dagblad, says he was in South Africa on a safari with his parents and brother.

13. Aligned with cytochrome b sequences from 29 siluriforms in Japan, Korea, Russia, Africa, North America and South America retrieved from GenBank, and selected Astyanax mexicanus, Phenacogrammus interruptus, Cyprinus carpio and Oncorhynchus mykiss as outgroups, which are belonging to Characiformes, Cypriniformes and Salmoniformes, respectively.
所得序列与从GenBank下载的分布于非洲、北美洲和南美洲等地的鲇形目鱼类同一基因序列进行排序,并选用脂鲤目的墨西哥丽脂鲤、断线脂鲤,鲤形目的鲤以及鲑形目大麻哈鱼属的Oncorhynchus mykiss作外类群。

14. In Europe, the Americas, Oceania, Africa, the Middle East and South-East Asia and other regions to establish a business office and service agencies can provide customers with thoughtful and timely technical support and services.

15. POWERLAND was founded in 1989, of which the headquarter is located in South-Africa. It holds case and bag processing and trade companies in US, South-Africa, Panama, Italy, Dubai, Chile and other countries and regions in the world and covers the market in Europe, America, Africa, Mid-East etc.


16. To people in Africa, Asia, and South America, English is an important foreign language to master, not merely because it is the language of Britain or the United States, but because it provides ready access to world scholarship and world trade.

17. He made a fortune in the gold fields of South Africa.

18. In 1895, the military rank enrolled the imperial fourth cavalry regiments by second lieutenant. Latter because of the hope risk life of struggle, has joined Spain successively by the volunteer soldier and war correspondent's status to Cuba's colony war and the English army in Indian, Sudanese, South Africa's war, battles heroically, dares the shoe danger to worry is well-known.

19. Companies in countries such as South Africa and East Africa has a cargo service agent network.


20. Some Scottish veterans and lawmakers have opposed breaking up the old regiments, which fought together in the Anglo-Boer War in South Africa and both World Wars.

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
His second wife, Hilary, had been widowed, then exiled from South Africa.(他的第二任妻子希拉里曾一度孀居,之后被逐出南非。)
In the reserves of Zimbabwe and South Africa, annual culls are already routine.(在津巴布韦和南非的自然保护区,对病弱动物每年所进行的宰杀剔除已成惯例。)
He had dedicated his life to bettering the lot of the oppressed people of South Africa.(他一生致力于改善南非被压迫人民的命运。)
Mandela said, "We want a united, undivided South Africa."(曼德拉说:“我们要一个统一的、未被分裂的南非。”)
He described the move as a victory for the people of South Africa as a whole.(他把这一行动描述成全体南非人民的一次胜利。)
South Africa would be better.(南非将会更好。)
Fairview Estate is one of the oldest and the most go-ahead wine producers in South Africa.(“丽景庄园”是南非最古老、最有开拓进取精神的葡萄酒生产商之一。)
I went to South Africa last year.(我去年去了趟南非。)
There is an old well in South Africa.(在南非,有一口古老的水井。)
I have been to South Africa.(我去过南非。)
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