1. (中、小)学校
A school is a place where children are educated. You usually refer to this place as school when you are talking about the time that children spend there and the activities that they do there.
e.g. ...a boy who was in my class at school...
e.g. Even the good students say homework is what they most dislike about school...
2. 全体师生
A school is the pupils or staff at a school.
e.g. Deirdre, the whole school's going to hate you.
e.g. ...a children's writing competition open to schools or individuals.
3. (私立的)专业学校,专科学校
A privately-run place where a particular skill or subject is taught can be referred to as a school .
e.g. ...a riding school and equestrian centre near Chepstow.
e.g. ...the Kingsley School of English.
4. 大学;学院;系;院
A university, college, or university department specializing in a particular type of subject can be referred to as a school .
e.g. ...a lecturer in the school of veterinary medicine at the University of Pennsylvania...
e.g. Stella, 21, is at art school training to be a fashion designer.
斯特拉,21 岁,就读于艺术系,正接受时装设计师的培训。
5. 大学;学院
School is used to refer to university or college.
e.g. Moving rapidly through school, he graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Kentucky at age 18.
他连续跳级, 18 岁时就以全美优等生联谊会成员的身份从肯塔基大学毕业。
6. 学派;流派
A particular school of writers, artists, or thinkers is a group of them whose work, opinions, or theories are similar.
e.g. ...the Chicago school of economists...
e.g. O'Keeffe was influenced by various painters and photographers, but she was never a member of any school.
7. (鱼、海豚的)群
A school of fish or dolphins is a large group of them moving through water together.
8. 教育;培养;训练;使学会
If you school someone in something, you train or educate them to have a certain skill, type of behaviour, or way of thinking.
e.g. Many mothers schooled their daughters in the myth of female inferiority...
e.g. He is schooled to spot trouble.
9. 教育;培养
To school a child means to educate him or her.
e.g. She's been schooling her kids herself.
schooled...a cross-cultural study with Indian children, both schooled and unschooled, and American children.
10. 驯(马)
If you school a horse, you train it so that it can be ridden in races or competitions.
e.g. She bought him as a £1,000 colt of six months and schooled him.
在它还是 6 个月的小马驹时,她用 1,000 英镑将它买下,并训练它。
11. see also: schooled;schooling;after-school;approved school;boarding school;church school;convent school;driving school;finishing school;grade school;graduate school;grammar school;high school;infant school;junior school;middle school;night school;nursery school;pre-school;prep school;primary school;private school;public school;special school;state school;summer school;Sunday school
12. 老派;传统派
If you approve of someone because they have good qualities that used to be more common in the past, you can describe them as one of the old school .
e.g. He is one of the old school who still believes in honour in public life.
e.g. ...an elderly gentleman of the old school.