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更新时间:2025-03-03 17:03:55



英 [ˈsæksəfəʊn]

美 [ˈsæksəfoʊn]


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名词: saxophonist

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  • 【音】萨克斯管
  • 萨克斯風


1. a single-reed woodwind with a conical bore

Synonym: sax

1. 萨克斯管;萨克斯风
A saxophone is a musical instrument in the shape of a curved metal tube with a narrower part that you blow into and keys that you press.


1. 萨克斯管:萨克斯: 萨克斯管(Saxophone)是一种管乐器,它的发明者是比利时乐器制作家-阿道夫.萨克斯(1814-1894) 根据当时欧洲盛行的波姆式长笛的发音原理,于1840年发明的一种既是木管乐器,又是铜管乐器的乐器.

2. 萨克管:除了钢琴,弦乐器中的低音提琴(DOUBLE BASS)、弹拨乐器中的吉他、木管乐器中的萨克管(SAXOPHONE)与单簧管(CLARINET)、铜管乐器中的小号(TRUMPET)、打击乐器中的铁琴(VIBRAPHONE,即电颤琴)等都经常被作为爵士独奏乐器使用,相应的唱片也不算少,

3. 萨克斯风:3.1.1 吹孔类:如长笛(Flute)、短笛(Piccolo)等. 3.1.2 簧笛类:如单簧管(Clarinet)、高音双簧管(Oboe)、萨克斯风(Saxophone)、低音双簧管(Bassoon)等. 3.1.3 哨嘴类:如竖笛(Recorder)等.

4. saxophone

4. 萨克斯:4、 萨克斯(Saxophone)萨克斯是爵士乐中最常用的乐器之一,音域可达二个八度以上(不到三个八度). 常见的萨克斯有五种,它们是:bB调的高音萨克斯(Soprano sax)、bE调的中音萨克斯(Alto Sax)、bB调的次中音萨克斯(Tenor Sax)、bE 调小低音萨克斯(Baritone Sax)和bB调低音萨克斯(Bass Sax),

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Sometimes she would listen to him playing the saxophone.(有时她会听他吹奏萨克斯管。)
The other key to the state's success is Mr Duke's love of the saxophone.(该州成功的另一个重要因素就是Duke对萨克管的喜爱。)
You play the saxophone well.(你的萨克斯风吹得好。)
That evening, Bill and Hillary were getting ready for bed. Hillary turned to Bill and said, "Well, I found out who peed in your saxophone."(那晚,比尔和希拉里正要睡觉。希拉里转过身来跟比尔说道:“好吧,我知道是谁往你的萨克斯管里撒尿了。”)
The first tape contains a lot of good-natured bantering around our pool table, ending with Roger playing the saxophone for me.(第一盘磁带里包含了很多我们围着台球桌嬉戏玩笑的内容,最后罗杰为我吹萨克斯。)
Here Coltrane played the soprano saxophone, an instrument seldom used by jazz musicians.(在这里,科尔特兰演奏了高音萨克斯管,一种爵士音乐家很少使用的乐器。)
He doubled occasionally on soprano saxophone.(他偶尔也吹奏高音萨克斯管。)
He sat next to me in band - we both played alto saxophone.(他在乐队中与我紧挨——我们都吹萨克斯管。)
So here's Chuck Mangione with his saxophonist and a saxophone cadenza.(这就是查克·曼卓林,和他的萨克斯手一起演出的一段华彩乐章。)
George is mad about his new saxophone.(乔治对他的新萨克斯风爱不释手。)
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