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更新时间:2025-03-03 16:58:07



英 [ˈsækrəlɪdʒ]

美 [ˈsækrəlɪdʒ]


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名词: sacrilegist

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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  • 亵渎圣物
  • 悖理逆天的行为
  • 亵渎(神物)
  • 窃取圣物
  • 【律】渎圣罪
  • 亵渎神圣
  • 亵渎圣贤
  • 冒渎


1. blasphemous behavior
the act of depriving something of its sacred character

e.g. desecration of the Holy Sabbath

Synonym: profanationdesecrationblasphemy

1. (对圣地或圣物的)亵渎,渎圣
Sacrilege is behaviour that shows great disrespect for a holy place or object.


e.g. Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege.

2. (对名人或普遍信仰的)大不敬,冒犯,无礼
You can use sacrilege to refer to disrespect that is shown for someone who is widely admired or for a belief that is widely accepted.

e.g. It is a sacrilege to offend democracy.

1. 渎圣:就如.渎.圣(sacrilege)和.谋.杀(murder)这两个复杂观念,你只要把这些名词所代表的简单观念,给人列数出来,则他虽然不见人犯了这两层罪,他亦会得到这些观念.

2. 亵渎:这位类型片的焦点人物即将拍摄这位集编剧、导演于一身的怪才的新片<>( ...[摘要] 新浪娱乐讯 罗格电影(Rogue Pictures)即将在本周五上映导演尼尔-马歇尔(Neil Marshall)的<>(Doomsday),与此同时,这位类型片的焦点人物即将拍摄这位集编剧、导演于一身的怪才的新片<&


3. 亵渎神明:blasphemy, profanation 亵渎 | sacrilege 亵渎神明 | anathema 革除教门

4. 冒渎:sacrificially 牺牲地 | sacrilege 冒渎 | sacrilegious 冒渎的

  • 经典引文

  • It was sacrilege to tell anything other than the strict truth in Confession.

    出自:D. Lodge
  • She took communion without being confirmed. This was a sacrilege.

    出自:P. Carey
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Putting water in brandy is (a great) sacrilege.(在白兰地中掺水是(极)可恶的事。)
The assumption would have been a sacrilege in the eyes of anyone in the Greek pantheistic tradition, or in any similar tradition in any of the ancient cultures.(而在希腊泛神论传统或任何类似的古代文化传统中,此一假设纯属亵渎神灵。)
By doing so, she would risk committing a sacrilege.(这样一来她就会冒亵渎神明的危险。)
Not one of my personal favorites, but to leave him off would have been sacrilege, I thought.(不是我所喜欢的其中一位,但是我认为排除他会亵渎圣物。)
It would be sacrilege to alter the composer's original markings.(改动作曲家原有的符号是亵渎行为。)
Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege.(在礼拜的场所盗窃被认为是渎神行为。)
The Yuuzhan Vong were named for him, and it was a sacrilege to simply refer to them as "Vong" (which many in the galaxy did).(遇战疯人用他的名字给自己的种族命名,而把他们简单地成为”疯人”(银河系中的许多人都这么称呼)是亵渎神圣的。)
Can you imagine a more terrible sacrilege?(你们还能想到更严重的亵渎神灵吗?)
When Mark Antony explains that Vorenus is a "stone wall Catonian" who believes they are committing a sacrilege, Caesar concedes that he may be right.(安东尼向恺撒解释沃伦·诺斯是一个“顽固的加图派”,他认为他们正在做的是悖理逆天的事情。)
There is a kind of pleasure which comes from sacrilege or the profanation of the objects offered us for worship.(有一种快乐来自于对我们应该膜拜的对象的冒犯和亵渎。)
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