root out

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root out

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:22:40

英 [ru:t aut]

美 [rut aʊt]

root out基本解释

根除; 杜绝


  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释


1. pull up by or as if by the roots

e.g. uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden

Synonym: uprootextirpatederacinate

2. destroy completely, as if down to the roots

e.g. the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprootedroot out corruption

Synonym: uprooteradicateextirpateexterminate

1. 铲除;清除
If you root out a person, you find them and force them from the place they are in, usually in order to punish them.

e.g. The generals have to root out traitors...
e.g. It shouldn't take too long to root him out.

2. 根除;杜绝;彻底解决
If you root out a problem or an unpleasant situation, you find out who or what is the cause of it and put an end to it.

e.g. There would be a major drive to root out corruption...
e.g. Any sort of wrongdoing had to be rooted out.

1. 用鼻拱出:root in 来源于 | root out 用鼻拱出 | root up 根除

2. 根除:rigid adj.严格的 | root out 根除 | sales promotion 促销

3. 根除(某事物):on the part of or on one's part 由某人做出 | root out 根除(某事物) | blow the whistle (on sth.) 告发,揭发

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
The generals have to root out traitors.(那些将军们必须纠出叛徒们。)
We must root out this evil.(我们一定要铲除这样的邪恶。)
If we really want to deal with piracy, we need to stop its root cause - our crimes - before we send in the gun-boats to root out Somalia's criminals.(如果我们真得想对付海盗行为,我们在遣发战船铲除索马里罪犯之前,应先终止这种海盗行为的根本原因,那就是我们首先犯下的罪恶。)
Businesses, which feel the revenues lost to counterfeiters all the more acutely in a downturn, are making an even greater effort to root out impostors.(企业界在不景气中更加强烈的感受到因仿冒品而失去的营收,也因而更加努力的想将仿冒商揪出来。)
I managed to root out a copy of the document.(我好不容易才找到了文件的副本。)
One of the characteristics of highway construction is fill root out the road over the high embankment.(高速公路建设的特点之一就是路基高填深挖路段多。)
Root out bust, enclosed under dry and ridges, ridges held in fields, so have the language of banyan wood pour root.(根出半身,附干而下垄,垄抱持以入土,故有榕木倒生根之语。)
Theoretically, the idea was to root out malingerers.(理论上,这一办法是要除掉装病的人。)
Do you think it possible to root out crime?(你认为可以根除犯罪吗?)
In particular, it can help you root out the pitfalls of using the JNIEnv with the wrong thread and using critical regions incorrectly.(特别是,它可以帮助您确定在错误线程中使用JNIEnv以及未正确使用关键区域的缺陷的根源。)
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