
好工具 > 单词大全 > riffle


英 [ˈrɪfl]

美 [ˈrɪfəl]





过去式: riffled 过去分词: riffled 现在分词: riffling 第三人称单数: riffles

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1. shuffling by splitting the pack and interweaving the two halves at their corners

2. a small wave on the surface of a liquid

Synonym: rippleripplingwavelet


1. shuffle (playing cards) by separating the deck into two parts and riffling with the thumbs so the cards intermix

2. twitch or flutter

e.g. the paper flicked

Synonym: flickruffle

3. stir up (water) so as to form ripples

Synonym: ripplerufflecockleundulate

4. look through a book or other written material

e.g. He thumbed through the report
She leafed through the volume

Synonym: flickflipthumbleafriff

1. 快速翻阅;迅速浏览
If you riffle through the pages of a book or riffle them, you turn them over quickly, without reading everything that is on them.

e.g. I riffled through the pages until I reached the index.

1. 浅滩:其下游浅滩(riffle)和深潭(pool)的冲刷形态差别较大,深潭的冲刷深度超过浅滩,近坝处到现为冲刷. 坝下游浅滩(riffle)和深潭(pool)的冲刷形态差别

2. 拨牌:force 迫牌 | riffle 撥牌 | riffle force 撥牌迫牌

3. 浅滩, 湍流, 涟漪:bauble 美观而无价值的东西 | riffle 浅滩, 湍流, 涟漪, | rifle 来复枪, 步枪


4. 格条:riebeckite 钠闪石 | riffle 格条 | rifle bar 来复杆

  • 经典引文
  • I skimmed the book in a first riffle.

  • A stiff breeze riffling the Lombardy poplars.

    出自:P. Theroux
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
This technique is particularly effective where a riffle drops into a pool or at the dis-charge of a spillway or penstock.(当浅滩掉进水中深穴或在溢洪道和闸门之出水口,这种技巧特别有效。)
Riffle division method: a riffle is a kind of non-mechanical sample divider, which is usually fed manually. The sample is divided into 2 equal parts by riffle, with one retained and one rejected.(③二分器缩分法:二分器系非机械式样品缩分器,通常用手工给料,样品通过二分器被分成二等份,一份保留,另一份弃去。)
There are many rivers in Scotland, Iceland and Norway where streamer-like flies such as the Collie Dog and the Moonray Shadow are fished, sometimes with a hitch in the line to create a riffle.(苏格兰、冰岛和挪威有许多河流,这里使用CollieDog和MoonrayShadow等长条形的钓饵,有时会在鱼线上打一个结,制造涟漪。)
Sample shall be mixed 3 times through riffle, and then put into the feeding container.(样品通过二分器三次混合后,放入给料容器中。)
Also, the use of Angle steel riffle strengthened the efficiency of ore dressing.(采用角钢溜格强化了选矿效益。)
Shuffle shuffle can be divided into play to wash, smoke wash, riffle + smoke wash, shuffle out of the thousands of methods have not shuffle, peep, sorting, stolen card, etc.(洗牌:洗牌可以分为弹洗,抽洗,弹洗+抽洗等,洗牌出千方法有不动洗牌、偷看牌,排序、偷牌等。)
Series of profound innovations pushed Canadian public education to the zenith of prosperity, and also to the riffle of difficulties.(一系列深度变革将加拿大公共教育推向兴盛的顶峰,同时也带了诸多的问题。)
Also learn many ways to stack a deck including over hand, riffle and table faro shuffles.(并且学会许多方式堆积包括在手、浅滩和桌法鲁的甲板拖曳。)
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