1. childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight associated with impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus
Synonym: rachitis
1. 佝偻病
Rickets is a disease that children can get when their food does not contain enough Vitamin D. It makes their bones soft and causes their liver and spleen to become too large.
1. 佝偻病:佝偻病(Rickets)俗称缺钙,在婴儿期较为常见,是由于维生素D缺乏引起体内钙、磷代谢混乱,而使骨骼钙化不良的一种疾病. 佝偻病发病缓慢,不容易引起器重. 佝偻病使小儿抵抗力降低,
2. 软骨症:如需转载,请注明来自FanE『翻译中国』 | rickets || 软骨症 | Risedronate, Actone || 治骨质疏松新药
3. 小 儿 佝 偻 病:Protein Energy Malnutrition 热 量 蛋 白 质 营 养 不 良 | Rickets 小 儿 佝 偻 病 | Silent emergency 无 声 的 危 机
4. rickets的近义词
4. 软骨病:ricketiness 摇摆 | rickets 软骨病 | rickettsia 伤寒病原体