英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 18:31:44


英 [rɪˌtæliˈeɪʃn]

美 [ rɪˌtælɪˈeʃən]


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  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. action taken in return for an injury or offense

Synonym: revenge

1. retaliation的解释

1. 反击风暴:这一招同样适用于反击风暴(Retaliation),使得战士在短时间内拥有所有职业中最高的Dps输出. Blizzard曾经明确说明这是一个bug,但表示如果使用不是非常非常广泛,他们并不打算修正它,也算是对战士的一种补偿. 因此在游戏中这是一个可以合理利用的策略,

2. 反击:(6)反击(retaliation) 一个动物在受到捕食者攻击时的最后防御手段,就是利用一切可用的武器(牙、角、爪等)进行反击,当一只鼠(Rattus norvegicus)被逼得走投无路时,攻击者反而难以得手.

3. 同态复仇:条约法 law of treaties | 同态复仇 retaliation | 推定合法presumption of legality

  • 经典引文

  • In retaliation for the American's piracy of Charles Dickens.

    出自:A. Blond
  • The therapist has to..respond to the patient's attacks,..without..retaliation.

    出自:P. Casement
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

They must know that they'd face annihilating retaliation.(他们一定知道,他们会面临毁灭性的报复。)
The police say the Mungiki killed 29 villagers in retaliation.(警方称,蒙吉基出于报复,杀害了29名村民。)
Retaliation in an intracompany operationis not beneficial to anyone.(公司内部之间的报复到头来对谁都没有好处。)
Military retaliation, however, is unlikely, analysts say.(分析人士认为,军事报复似乎不太可能。)
He endured hardships to plan retaliation.(他卧薪尝胆,图谋报复。)
But Israel had been bracing itself for some form of retaliation.(不过以色列已经为某种形式的报复做好了准备。)
Police said they believed the attack was in retaliation for the death of the drug trafficker.(警方说他们认为这起袭击是为那个毒贩的死而实施的报复。)
The shooting may have been in retaliation for the arrest of the terrorist suspects.(枪击事件可能是对逮捕嫌疑恐怖分子进行的报复行动。)
Victims often are reluctant to complain, for fear of retaliation.(受害者常因害怕报复而不愿起诉。)
He never said a single word in retaliation.(他从未说过一句反击的话。)
retaliation是什么意思 retaliation在线翻译 retaliation什么意思 retaliation的意思 retaliation的翻译 retaliation的解释 retaliation的发音 retaliation的同义词