形容词: reproducible 名词: reproducer 过去式: reproduced 过去分词: reproduced 现在分词: reproducing 第三人称单数: reproduces
形容词: reproducible 名词: reproducer 过去式: reproduced 过去分词: reproduced 现在分词: reproducing 第三人称单数: reproduces
1. have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant
e.g. The Bible tells people to procreate
Synonym: procreatemultiply
2. repeat after memorization
e.g. For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information
Synonym: regurgitate
3. make a copy or equivalent of
e.g. reproduce the painting
4. recreate a sound, image, idea, mood, atmosphere, etc.
e.g. this DVD player reproduces the sound of the piano very well
He reproduced the feeling of sadness in the portrait
1. 复制;模拟;再现
If you try to reproduce something, you try to copy it.
e.g. I shall not try to reproduce the policemen's English...
e.g. The effect has proved hard to reproduce.
2. 复制;临摹;翻印
If you reproduce a picture, speech, or a piece of writing, you make a photograph or printed copy of it.
e.g. We are grateful to you for permission to reproduce this article.
3. 重复
If you reproduce an action or an achievement, you repeat it.
e.g. If we can reproduce the form we have shown in the last couple of months we will be successful.
4. 繁殖;生殖
When people, animals, or plants reproduce, they produce young.
e.g. ...a society where women are defined by their ability to reproduce...
e.g. We are reproducing ourselves at such a rate that our numbers threaten the ecology of the planet.
1. 繁殖:这种可能性尽量早而不是尽量晚地为繁殖(reproduce)提供了补偿(premium). 换句话说,达尔文的适者生存理论认为:一种生物往往通过尽早繁殖而得到强化(enhance),因为该生物可能会在过渡时期被杀死或受到伤害.
By rights, most plants reproduce by seeds.
By rights, some tropical fish reproduce by laying eggs.
The primary function of sexual behaviour is to reproduce the species.
出自:D. Morris