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英 [ˈræbl]

美 [ˈræbəl]





名词: rabbler 过去式: rabbled 过去分词: rabbled 现在分词: rabbling 第三人称单数: rabbles

  • 英英释义
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1. a disorderly crowd of people

Synonym: mobrout

2. disparaging terms for the common people

Synonym: riffraffragtagragtag and bobtail

1. 乌合之众;乱民;暴民
A rabble is a crowd of noisy people who seem likely to cause trouble.

e.g. He seems to attract a rabble of supporters more loyal to the man than to the cause.

2. 贱民;下等人
People sometimes refer to ordinary people in general as the rabble to suggest that they are superior to them.

e.g. In 40 years, the Guards' Polo Club has changed, but it has managed to keep most of the rabble out.

1. 搅拌杆:搅拌杆 rabble | 炉浴搅拌 rabble a bath | 搅拌 rabbling

2. 搅拌棒:rabbit 清管器 | rabble 搅拌棒 | rabbler 刮九

3. rabble的翻译

3. 搅拌器耙子:r.p.m. 分钟转数 | rabble 搅拌器耙子 | rabbling 搅拌

4. 耙子:rabbit-hair spinning machine 兔毛纺织机 | rabble 耙子 | rabbler 搅拌器

  • 经典引文
  • To mob me up with all The soft and milky rabble of womankind.

  • As a fence, it..will shut off the rabble and all the vagabonds.

    出自:C. Sandburg
  • Viscount Melbourne..blamed all discontent upon a rabble of agitators.

    出自:S. Weintraub
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Critics have accused him of rabble-rousing.(评论家指责他煽动暴力。)
He urged on his weary horse to hasten through this rabble, but the further he went the more disorderly the crowds became.(他驱赶着已经疲惫的马,想快点穿过这些人群,但是他越往前走,这些人群就显得更加紊乱。)
To quell the rebellious rabble and offer fresher faces to voters, Mr Aso considered a big cabinet reshuffle (shades of Britain's Gordon Brown).(麻生先生曾考虑通过大型内阁改组来压制议员反叛,并向选民展示一些新鲜的面孔(如同英国的戈登·布朗那样)。)
It can go on first cultivation instead of plow in ripeland. rabble depth for one time can be up to 18cm in uncultivational land.(在熟地上可代替犁进行首次作业。在未耕地上一次耙深可达18厘米。)
A small party of men, clad in garments half Indian, half European, and officered by gentlemen in a uniform partly British, were engaged, at great odds, with the swarming rabble of the Allies.(男人一个小党,在服装穿着印度的一半,一半的欧洲和指挥的由一个统一的绅士部分英国,分别从事,在伟大的可能性,与盟国的蜂拥乌合之众。)
In 40 years, the Guards' Polo Club has changed, but it has managed to keep most of the rabble out.(40年间,御林军马球俱乐部虽有变化,但却一直成功地把绝大多数下层民众拒之门外。)
His failure to keep the shopping malls open riles an elite contemptuous of the red shirts, whom they regard as an uneducated rabble paid by Mr Thaksin to stir up trouble.(他未能保障大型购物中心的营业,这激怒了蔑视红衫军的精英阶层。他们认为红衫军是缺乏教养的乌合之众,拿了他信先生的钱,故而煽风点火。)
But her bid to control prices, her rabble-rousing instincts and her scheming were all alarming.(但是她操控价格确有其事,她的蛊惑人心和诡计多端也不得不让人警觉。)
The rabble fears oblivion.(乌合之众害怕赦免。)
If the rabble continues to be occupied with you, simply stop reading that drivel.(如果这群乌合之众继续纠缠你,就别读那些废话。)
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