
好工具 > 单词大全 > portrayal



更新时间:2024-07-02 00:33:12

英 [pɔ:ˈtreɪəl]

美 [pɔ:rˈtreɪəl]





  • 详情解释
  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释
  • 描写
  • 肖像
  • 描绘
  • 饰演
  • 画像
  • 人像
  • 描述
  • 展现方式
  • 扮演
  • 叙述
  • 写照
  • 描摹
  • 表现
  • 描画
  • 刻划
  • 绘画


1. acting the part of a character on stage
dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture

Synonym: characterizationenactmentpersonation

2. representation by drawing or painting etc

Synonym: depictiondelineation

3. any likeness of a person, in any medium

e.g. the photographer made excellent portraits

Synonym: portrait

4. a representation by picture or portraiture

Synonym: depictingdepictionportraying

5. a word picture of a person's appearance and character

Synonym: portraitureportrait

1. (角色的)扮演,刻画,演绎
An actor's portrayal of a character in a play or film is the way that he or she plays the character.

e.g. Mr Ying is well-known for his portrayal of a prison guard in the film 'The Last Emperor'.

2. 绘画;油画;照片
An artist's portrayal of something is a drawing, painting, or photograph of it.

e.g. 'Scene with a Winding River' (1827) is a near-monochrome portrayal of a wood infused with silvery light.
e.g. ...a moving portrayal of St John the Evangelist by Simone Martini.

3. 描述;描写;刻画
The portrayal of something in a book or film is the act of describing it or showing it.

e.g. This is a sensitive and often funny portrayal of a friendship between two 11-year-old boys.
e.g. ...Leigh's portrayal of English society.

4. 描写;呈现;表现
The portrayal of something in a book, film, or programme is the way that it is made to appear.


e.g. The media persists in its portrayal of us as muggers, dope sellers and gangsters...
e.g. I get criticized for the portrayal of women in that movie.

1. 描画、描写:porcelain 瓷器;瓷制的、精美的 | portrayal 描画、描写 | positive 肯定的、实际的;正的、阳的

2. 描画:portray 描绘 | portrayal 描画 | portrayer 肖像画家

3. 描绘 描画法, 描画:■ Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX, POSIX 轻便操作系统界面 POSIX | ■ portrayal 描绘 描画法, 描画 | ■ portrayal catalogue 描述目录 描画カタログ

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
I spent some time with Claire, and her portrayal of me back then is very authentic.(我和克莱尔相处了一段时间,她对于那时的我的演绎是很真实的。)
He thinks parents will definitely respond to the portrayal of Nim's upbringing on screen in a unique way.(他想,父母们都会对影片中都会对尼姆的培养过程产生各自不同的反应。)
Their performance was hailed by reviewers for its realistic portrayal of a romantic relationship.(他们的演出被评论家赞誉为浪漫关系的现实演绎。)
The media persists in its portrayal of us as muggers, dope sellers, and gangsters.(媒体坚持将我们刻画成抢劫犯、毒品贩和匪徒。)
To readers a century later, that placid portrayal may seem alien-as though depicting a bygone world.(在一百年后的读者看来,这些平静的描述像是外星人---好像描述了一个不复存在的世界。)
We are sitting here, looking at a great visual portrayal of the Myth of the Birth of Venus.(现在我们坐在这,看着这伟大的人物油画——《维纳斯的诞生》。)
The article examines the portrayal of gay men in the media.(这篇文章剖析了传媒对男同性恋者的描述。)
This is a vivid portrayal of Europe's desire to move closer to China and understand China.(这是欧洲渴望接近中国、了解中国的真实写照。)
The other's portrayal of Muir's life is a testimony to what it means to be lifelong learners and to use that learning to inform and bring about change.(另一个人对缪尔一生的描述,证明了成为终身学习者并利用这种学习传递信息和带来改变的意义所在。)
The dismal portrayal of Native reservations is inaccurate and harmful.(这些媒体对保留区的凄凉描写既不准确,又非常有害。)
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