Both sides too often confuse him with the striving pilgrim he portrayed in his autobiography.(在他的自传里,这两面性常使这个理想的朝圣者犹豫不决。)
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, and loved the sorrows of your changing face.(只有一个人爱你那圣洁的灵魂,爱你布满皱纹的痛苦的老去的容颜。)
She heard their footsteps right behind her as she navigated through the sprawling complex that was Pilgrim Medical Center.(柯瑟琳在培瑞医疗中心综合大楼里穿行着,身后响着两位警探的脚步声。)
Cera: Because, you know, Nick might be into that... I also bet there will be a lot of Scott Pilgrim costumes at Comic-Con.(塞拉:你也知道,尼克肯定会爱死这则消息的…我打赌今年的动漫大会上肯定有很多人装扮成斯科特的模样。)
Their words, looks and gestures come back to him as he climbs a mountain path or talks to a Hindu pilgrim or Buddhist monk.(当地语言,外观和姿势成为他翻越山路和与僧侣沟通的所必须的做法。)
King Baldwin IV: Then go now to your father's house at Ibelin, and from there protect the pilgrim road.(鲍德温国王:那么现在回到你父亲在伊贝林的家,去保护朝圣之路。)
Oft shall the pilgrim lift the latch.(香客将常启开我门的门闩。)
One problem is, well, Scott Pilgrim.(其中一个问题是,咳咳,斯科特。)
The father, in his tall Pilgrim hat, was like his own father - stern, someone to be respected.(那个父亲,带着他那高高的朝圣者帽子,像他自己的父亲那样——严肃,让人尊重。)
Scott Pilgrim needs too much help from video games to really save the world.(想要真正拯救世界,斯科特必须从电子游戏中借用太多的东西了。)
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