副词: perfidiously
副词: perfidiously
1. tending to betray
especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans
e.g. Punic faith
the perfidious Judas
the fiercest and most treacherous of foes
treacherous intrigues
Synonym: punictreacherous
1. 背信弃义的;不可信的;不忠的
If you describe someone as perfidious, you mean that they have betrayed someone or cannot be trusted.
e.g. Their feet will trample on the dead bodies of their perfidious aggressors.
1. 背信弃义:美方于是退出会场,双方从此再未进行政治会谈. 过家鼎认为,美方根本就没打算政治谈判,所以找出这么一个不是理由的理由退场,造成一言不合拂袖而去的假象. 其实,在当时的情况下,背信弃义(perfidious)这个词用在美方身上再恰当不过了.
2. perfidious
2. 背信弃义的:confident有信心的 , | perfidious背信弃义的 | confidentiality 秘密,机密,信任
3. 有异心的:perfervid 白热化的 | perfidious 有异心的 | perfidiously 背信地
4. 不忠的,背信弃义的:perch: 栖息 | perfidious: 不忠的,背信弃义的 | perfidy: 不忠;背叛
If he is perfidious, he must be a thorough-going fraud.
出自:D. M. Frame