英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:24:05



英 [ˌpeɪˈi:]

美 [peˈi]


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  • 收款人
  • 领款人
  • 受款人
  • 受帐人
  • 取款人


1. a person to whom money is paid

1. 收款人;受款人
The payee of a cheque or similar document is the person who should receive the money.


1. 受款人:受款人:(Payee)即规定可领取金额的人. 注意:除此之外,汇票在使用中还可能出现一些非基本当事人,如:背书人(ENDORSER)、保证人(GUARANTOR)等. (三)按出票人的不同,可分成商业汇票(Commercial bill)和银行汇票(Banker bill)承兑是指付款人对远期汇票表示承担到期付款责任的行为.

2. payee是什么意思

2. 收款人:在画线支票中,又可从画线的方式分为普通画线支票(general crossing cheque)和特别画线支汇人行(receiving bank)又称解付行(paying bank)是接受汇出行的委托解付款项的银行,汇人行通常是汇出行在收款人所在地的代理行; 收款人(payee),通常是出口人、买

3. 收款单位:申请人到馆申请可用现金支付费用,如邮寄申请应以邮局汇票(Money Order)或银行支票(Bank Cheque)方式付费,收款单位(payee)为:Chinese Embassy

4. 受票人:匯票上應註明付款人(payer),付款金額,付款日期,付款地點,受票人(payee)等. 付款人即受票人憑此付款. L/C是銀行應進口商的請求向出口商開立保証兌付符合信用証條款的匯票的一種憑証. 跟單托收是由出口商在向進口商發運貨物後,

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The Payee Name is the name of the individual or company to whom the payment should be made out.(收款人的名字是钱款应该支付给的个人或者公司的名字。)
The payee of the cheque must endorse the cheque.(领款人必须在支票上背书。)
The middle section of each page of the report will be the actual check, with Payee, payer, amount, address, etc.(报告每页的中间部分将是实际支票,包括收款人,付款人,金额,地址等。)
The applicant has the right to ask the payee to make payment on the day the judgment is publicly announced.(自判决公告之日起,申请人有权向支付人要求支付。)
Are you sure you want to close the selected payee?(你确认要关闭选定的收付款人?)
There are three parties to a money order: the remitter (payer), the payee and the drawee.(汇款单涉及三方:汇款人(付款人)、收款人、受票人。)
One is to draw and sign a draft; the other is to deliver it to the payee.(因此仅仅产生一张汇票还不足以表明这是出票,必须还要把汇票寄给收款人才行。)
Upon written notice by the Insured may designate additional or different loss payee as it may be required.(被保险人应书面通知本公司,指定所需增加或变更的赔款受益人。)
Please fill out the remittance request with the name and address of the payee as well as yours.(请你填写汇款申请单,写上收款人及你自己的姓名地址。)
They will also let you print the payee name on the check using our Secure name option.(他们还将让你打印的收款人姓名就检查是否使用了我们的安全名称的选择。)
payee是什么意思 payee在线翻译 payee什么意思 payee的意思 payee的翻译 payee的解释 payee的发音 payee的同义词