英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 14:00:07


英 [ˌmæɡnə'nɪmətɪ]

美 [ˌmæɡnəˈnɪmɪti]


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名词复数: magnanimities

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  • 高尚
  • 雅量
  • 宽大
  • 宽大的行为
  • 宽宏大量
  • 高尚的行为
  • 宽仁
  • 宽宏大量的行为
  • 器量大



1. liberality in bestowing gifts
extremely liberal and generous of spirit

Synonym: munificencelargesslargesseopenhandedness

1. (尤指对被自己击败或曾欺凌过自己的人表现出的)宽宏大量,宽厚,大度
Magnanimity is kindness and generosity towards someone, especially after defeating them or being treated badly by them.

e.g. We will have to show magnanimity in victory...
e.g. The father of one victim spoke with remarkable magnanimity.

1. 大度:凯尔森和施密特是两种不同类型的人类激情的冲突吗?恕我直言,对chaque兄的学养我是毫不怀疑的,但我实在不相信刘小枫会弱到不清楚chaque兄这两个帖子中所阐发的东西. 恢宏大度(magnanimity)的古人?被尼采看不起的西塞罗就有这种气质嘛.

2. magnanimity在线翻译

2. 伟大精神:the Lucid Introduction to the One Hundred Dharmas <> | magnanimity 伟大精神 * | the Maha-prajna-paramita-sutra <>*

3. magnanimity的意思

3. 宽宏大量:reanimate 使恢复生气 | magnanimity 宽宏大量 | magnanimous宽宏大量的


4. 慷慨,高尚:inanimate 无生气,单调的 | magnanimity 慷慨,高尚 | magnanimous 心地高尚,度量宽大的

  • 经典引文

  • The queen's magnanimity in forming such extensive projects was the more remarkable.

    出自:D. Hume
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The father of one victim spoke with remarkable magnanimity.(一受害者的父亲用极其宽宏大量的口吻讲了话。)
Bull or ox - valor and magnanimity.(公牛-勇与宽大的胸襟。)
Make data analysis to the letter of magnanimity, how to use the software is extremely important skillfully.(对于海量的信令数据分析来说,掌握并熟练运用分析软件是极其重要的。)
A federal arrangement might have worked if both sides had shown flexibility and magnanimity, but neither proved able to do so.(如果双方都表现出弹性和宽宏大量,成立的联邦就会起作用;但情况并非如此。)
His magnanimity to foes, his generosity to friends will be talked of as LONG. as manly qualities are honored.(他对敌人宽大,对朋友慷慨。只要豪侠的品质受到尊崇,他便会一直为人传颂。)
Know love so far, is requires a very magnanimity to just go. - the first 50 times.(知道爱上为止,是需要有非常宽大的胸襟才行。——《初恋50次》。)
It has a royal king's magnanimity and low-key style. After carving through the time, its steady momentum impresses many people.(它拥有着王者的气度和皇室低调的风范,经时光雕刻后所展现出的沉稳气势让人折服。)
She accepted the criticism with magnanimity.(她很大度地接受了批评。)
Holy forgiveness! Mercy! Charity! Faith! Holy! Ours! Bodies! Suffering! Magnanimity!(宽恕神圣!怜悯!救济!信念!神圣!我们的!躯体!痛苦!崇高!)
Gules or red - Military fortitude and magnanimity.(红色-军人的坚忍与刚毅,高尚的行为。)
magnanimity是什么意思 magnanimity在线翻译 magnanimity什么意思 magnanimity的意思 magnanimity的翻译 magnanimity的解释 magnanimity的发音 magnanimity的同义词