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美 [ˌmædʒɪˈstɪriəl]




副词: magisterially

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1. used of a person's appearance or behavior
befitting an eminent person

e.g. his distinguished bearing
the monarch's imposing presence
she reigned in magisterial beauty

Synonym: distinguishedgrandimposing

2. offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power

e.g. an autocratic person
autocratic behavior
a bossy way of ordering others around
a rather aggressive and dominating character
managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way
a swaggering peremptory manner

Synonym: autocraticbossydominatinghigh-and-mightyperemptory

3. of or relating to a magistrate

e.g. official magisterial functions

1. (行为或作品)威风的,有威严的,权威的
If you describe someone's behaviour or work as magisterial, you mean that they show great authority or ability.

e.g. ...his magisterial voice and bearing...
e.g. The Cambridge World History of Human Disease is a magisterial work.

1. 有权威的:Maginot line 马其诺防线 | magisterial 有权威的 | magisterium 教权

2. 有权威的;威风的:luxurious 繁茂的;肥沃的 | magisterial 有权威的;威风的 | magnanimous 宽宏大量的,慷慨的

3. 严然的:maginot 马其诺防线 | magisterial 严然的 | magisterially 具有权威地

4. 权威的:glossary 生词表 | magisterial 权威的 | syllabus 教学大纲

  • 经典引文
  • Jeeves is..naturally magisterial (he takes the chair for gentlemen's gentlemen).

    出自:Godfrey Smith
  • These researches..had culminated in his magisterial paper 'The Mammoth and His Parasites'.

    出自:B. Chatwin
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
The magisterial reformers were right to reject the early versions of it that appeared in the teaching of some radicals.(权威改教家拒绝这种早期版本是正确的。这些早期版本已经出现在一些极端分子的教导中。)
Not a magisterial care, I mean, which consists in prescribing by laws and compelling by punishments.(不是法官关心的事,我的意思是:法官的事情是由法律规定并由惩罚来强制的。)
The medieval, theocratic notion of Christendom that the divines inherited from the magisterial reformers undoubtedly played a role in this thinking.(威敏思特圣徒所承继的、教会改教家的中世纪基督国度的神治国家观念,在这个想法中,扮演了一个角色。)
Mr Sen's latest book answers both difficulties in magisterial style.(森先生最新的书籍就是很权威地回答了这两个难题。)
Next, this article also classified and analyzed some influential national magisterial research assessment systems in the world.(其次,本文还对目前国际上较有影响的由国家主导的科研评价制度进行了分类整理。)
Sir Isaac the Alchemist, he said, was no less the fierce and uncompromising scientist than was Sir Isaac, author of the magisterial Principia Mathematica.(作为炼金术士的艾萨克爵士,他说道,和作为权威的数学原理的作者的艾萨克爵士比起来不呈多让。)
The poem is obviously magisterial.(很明显,这首诗有其权威性。)
These new studies do not undermine the validity of the magisterial past research on hot hands, but expand and augment it, Dr. Yaari and the other authors say, adding even more human complexity.(这些新研究并没有破坏过去那些关于火热手感的研究结果的权威性,而是将其扩充以及增强了,雅里博士与其他研究者表示,并注入了更多的人类复杂性。)
His magisterial study of Roman law is likely to be the standard book on the subject for many years.(他对罗马律法的权威性研究可能是多年来论述这个问题的典?性作品。)
The Cambridge World History of Human Disease is a magisterial work.(《剑桥世界人类疾病史》是一部权威著作。)
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