Small stay and Hua Ge, are alone to Lhasa, met in Lhasa.(小呆和华哥,都是独自来拉萨,在拉萨相识。)
He was lucky enough to eventually catch a bus to Lhasa, where he met the girl again and got his stuff.(幸运的是,他最终搭上了一辆开往拉萨的大巴,在拉萨他再次见到了那个女孩,拿回了行李。)
Good morning. This is the weather report. It's cool in Lhasa.(早上好。这是天气预报。拉萨很凉快。)
ON THE plane out of Lhasa, I sit next to a Nepali businessman who frequently visits Lhasa to buy shoes.(在飞机上进行的拉萨,我坐在旁边的尼泊尔商人经常访问拉萨谁买鞋子。)
I laid out the map on the ground to find out the route to Lhasa.(我把地图摊在地上,查找去拉萨的路线。)
Lhasa Apsos’ flowing hair and big brown eyes may make them look pretty sweet, but these dogs definitely have a tough side.(拉萨狮子犬有着飘逸的长发和水灵灵的棕色眼睛,是不是超级可爱呢?不过这些家伙们可也有着凶狠的一面。)
AFP: Many of the people in this room would like to get on an airplane to Lhasa right now to see what's going on up there.(法新社记者:现在我想在座的很多人都希望能够去拉萨亲眼看一看那里到底发生了什么。)
Some travel agencies in Lhasa have received more reservations than the historical record of 2007.(拉萨一些旅行社接到的预定旅行团队数量已远远超过自治区历史上游客接待最多年份2007年。)
If my car had been more reliable, I would have driven to Lhasa instead of flying last summer.(如果我的车更可靠点,去年夏天我就会开车去拉萨而不是乘飞机去。)
Transport links with Lhasa are key to China's strategy.(与拉萨的交通联系是中国战略的关键。)
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