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更新时间:2025-03-03 13:38:45

lay up

英 [lei ʌp]

美 [le ʌp]

储备; 暂停使用; 使卧床不起
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1. disable or confine, as with an illness

e.g. She was laid up with pneumonia for six weeks

1. (疾病)使卧床
If someone is laid up with an illness, the illness makes it necessary for them to stay in bed.

e.g. I was laid up in bed with acute rheumatism...
e.g. Powell ruptured a disc in his back and was laid up for a year.

1. lay up的翻译

1. 上篮:所谓阻绝(deny)步,即不给你防守对象接获传球,对球做出阻右手上篮(lay up)时,要求手举高掌心向脸(手腕才能往上伸展),左脚蹬时右脚膝盖要抬高,左手辅助身体平衡并保护球.

2. 三步上籃:皮蓬球风潇洒飘逸,三步上篮(lay up)矫若游龙,身材又是那种瘦长肌肉的,长胳膊长腿,游走于锋卫之间,防守又能兼顾个人整体,无论单兵,协防,补防无不精熟,难怪DR J称他是历史上最好的NO.2,现在的球员无论能力和成就想望其项背,怕是不易为了!

3. 贮存,储蓄;暂停使用:lay over 涂,覆盖;压倒 | lay up 贮存,储蓄;暂停使用 | lead to 通向,导致;引起

4. 搁置;贮存:be answerable for应对......负责 | lay up搁置;贮存 | clean up打扫;清除

After a few years building up strength, they swim back to the beaches were they were born to lay up to 150 eggs at a time in holes dug in the sand.(几年过去了,它们的力气增强了,他们便游回了他们的出生地,在那里繁衍下一代,他们一次可以产下150个蛋,然后挖个洞把这些蛋埋在沙子里。)
She lay curled up in a foetal position.(她像胎儿一样蜷曲地躺着。)
And lay up his words in your heart.(将他的言语存在心里。)
You must lay up some of your income.(你应该把收入的一部分存起来。)
People who lay up treasures in heaven look forward to eternity; they are moving daily toward their treasures.(那些在天堂积蓄财宝的人们期待着永恒;他们正在日渐接近他们的财宝。)
"I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same."(“我正帮忙收集过冬用的粮食,”蚂蚁说,“我建议你也去收集点粮食。”)
After a breeding year - during which they can lay up to 1,000 eggs - they head back to the feeding grounds for another few years to build up their reserves before returning to the nesting beaches.(经历了一个繁殖期,他们有的可以产下1,000颗蛋,它们就游回了它们的觅食区,在那里生活了一些年,为回到筑巢的沙滩储备能量。)
The old man lay propped up on cushions.(老人靠在垫子上躺着。)
People who lay up treasures in heaven look forward to eternity; they are moving daily toward their treasures. To them, death is gain.(那些在天堂积蓄财宝的人们期待着永恒;他们正在日渐接近他们的财宝。对于他们来说,死亡就是收获。)
Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.(你们要将我这话存在心内,留在意中,系在手上为记号,戴在额上为经文。)
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