He wandered about with his hammer and nails, repairing whatever was in need of fixing.(他带着铁锤和钉子四处闲逛,修理任何需要修理的东西。)
She created a website page matching survivors in need with donors who wanted to help.(她创建了一个网站页面,将需要帮助的幸存者与愿意提供帮助的捐赠者进行匹配。)
I was all right but in need of rest.(当时我挺好的,就是需要休息。)
It is strange that people dare not give their helping hands to those in need.(人们不敢向有需要的人伸出援助之手,这很奇怪。)
We'll buy food for someone in need.(我们会买食物给需要的人。)
In the wake of the recession, the number of families in need of food assistance began to grow.(在经济衰退之后,需要粮食援助的家庭数量开始增加。)
Then the blood can be used for people in need.(然后这些血液就可以用来帮助有需要的人。)
She dedicated much of her life to helping children in need.(她一生致力于帮助有需要的儿童。)
Please write to me if you are in need of help.(如果您需要帮助的话,请写信给我。(应用文—书信))
I wondered how they had raised so much money on their own to help youngsters in need.(我想知道他们是如何靠自己筹集了这么多钱来帮助需要帮助的年轻人的。)
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