1. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
e.g. the gist of the prosecutor's argument
the heart and soul of the Republican Party
the nub of the story
Synonym: kernelsubstancecorecentercentreessenceheartheart and soulinwardnessmarrowmeatnubpithsumnitty-gritty
2. the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
Synonym: effectessenceburdencore
1. (发言、谈话或文章的)主旨,要点
The gist of a speech, conversation, or piece of writing is its general meaning.
e.g. He related the gist of his conversation to Naseby.
1. gist
1. 要点:该理论用字面(verbatim)表征,代表物理刺激的表面细节,用要点(gist)表征,代表刺激的意义,认为对学过项目的正确再认更大程度上是由字面表征驱动的,基于要点表征进行再认判断时经常会发生错误记忆.
2. 主旨:我对这些问题看法的主旨(gist)是:我们在塔旺陶勒盖项目上的决策,无论事情发展到何种情形,都不应被动的受制于任何国家或者任何利益集团. 只有在做出审慎研究和毫无偏见的评估基础上,唯有获得蒙古政府颁发的重要战略经济利益矿床开发经营许可证后,
3. 要旨:Brainerd与Reyna等以输出干扰(Output interference)说明抑制在认知发展中的作用,他们提出的模糊痕迹理论(Fuzzy-trace theory)认为,认知加工以字面(verbatim)及要旨(gist)的形式从输入中抽取信息,从而得到不同形式的痕迹,
4. 單位、部門單位簡稱環境資科所(簡稱):1133.單位、部門單位簡稱室景班(簡稱)ildce | 1134.單位、部門單位簡稱環境資科所(簡稱)GIST | 1135.單位、部門單位簡稱景觀遊憩所(簡稱)glr
5. gist:gastrointestinal tract stromal tumor; 胃肠道间质瘤
6. gist:gastrointestinal stromal tumors; 胃肠间质瘤
Making believe is the gist of his whole life.
出自:R. L. StevensonEven though the words were unintelligible, their gist..was not.
出自:R. HughesShe had joined the sermon late and just got the gist of it.
出自:E. Bowen