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更新时间:2025-02-17 15:05:07
  • 英英释义

foul up


1. make a mess of, destroy or ruin

e.g. I botched the dinner and we had to eat out
the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement

Synonym: botchbodgebumblefumblebotch upmuffblowflubscrew upball upspoilmuck upbunglefluffbollixbollix upbollocksbollocks upbobblemishandlelouse upmess upfuck up

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

To err is human, but to foul things up completely takes a computer, or so the old saw goes.(犯错是人之天性,但要把事情完全搞糟却少不了电脑——有句老话好像是这样说的。)
YM is sleep walking on the court and did nothing expect pick up foul, miss shots, and TO.(姚明在场上梦游呢,除了犯规,错失投篮机会,失误,就没有干别的了。)
Bynum picked up his second foul 1:05 into the game and never found any semblance of rhythm.(拜纳姆在1分05秒时就早早地得到了第二个犯规,没有任何表现,毫无节奏。)
They were told to brew up a foul mixture of chicken and goose grease, pine, rosin, pitch and turpentine in an earthenware pot.(手册教导他们,在陶罐中,调配一种混合了鸡和鹅的脂肪、松木、松香、树脂以及松节油的茶。)
He sat out the rest of the period and played just about 4 minutes in the final quarter, when he picked up his fifth foul.(第三节剩下的时间他都在板凳上休息,而且第四节他只打了差不多4分钟,在个人第五次犯规的时候他就下场了。)
Their wearisome heads went up and down at the same rate, in hot weather and in cold, wet weather and dry, fair weather and foul.(不管天气是冷是热,是干是湿,是好是坏,它们那疲惫的机头都会以同样的节奏上下摆动。)
Any time an Argentine player was knocked down or whistled for a foul, he threw up his arms in dismay - as if someone had attacked one of his children.(只要阿根廷球员一被韩国人放倒,或者裁判犯规的哨音一呼,他便恕不可遏挥动起他的双臂——就好像有人攻击了他的一个孩子一样。)
Even if the water in which the fish are reared starts out fresh, the build-up of faeces and uneaten food soon makes it foul.(即使是养鱼的水也开始变得不新鲜,粪便和吃剩下的食物堆积,很快使水变得污秽。)
Do not foul thing up.(别把事情搞糟。)
Ferdinand owned up to contact, and could consider himself lucky to stay on the pitch, though not every foul needs to be a booking.(斐迪南承认身体接触,认为他很幸运能呆在球场上,尽管不是每次犯规都需要登记。)
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