
好工具 > 单词大全 > foreclose


更新时间:2025-03-10 23:29:30

英 [fɔ:ˈkləʊz]

美 [fɔ:rˈkloʊz]




形容词: foreclosable 过去式: foreclosed 过去分词: foreclosed 现在分词: foreclosing 第三人称单数: forecloses

  • 详情解释
  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释
  • 阻止
  • 排斥
  • 【律】取消抵押人的抵押品赎回权
  • 失去(抵押品)的赎回权
  • 尤指银行
  • 排除…的可能
  • 排除
  • 逐出
  • 妨碍
  • 结束
  • 停止
  • 要求独占
  • 把…排除在外
  • 排斥排挤
  • 预先处理
  • 妨碍阻碍
  • 阻止…的运转
  • 自称声称断言



1. subject to foreclosing procedures
take away the right of mortgagors to redeem their mortgage

2. keep from happening or arising
make impossible

e.g. My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project

Synonym: preventforestallprecludeforbid

1. (因未按时还款等)取消(抵押品)的赎取权,止赎
If the person or organization that lent someone money forecloses, they take possession of a property that was bought with the borrowed money, for example because regular repayments have not been made.

e.g. The bank foreclosed on the mortgage for his previous home.

1. foreclose

1. 排除在外:forecited 引用的 | foreclose 排除在外 | foreclosure 丧失赎回权

2. 排除在外,妨碍,预先处理:Instil 滴注,慢慢灌输 | Foreclose 排除在外,妨碍,预先处理 | Instigate 教唆,鼓动,发动(战争)

3. 取消抵押品赎回权:forecastpredictForecastdivinationforcastforecastingpresettingprognosticateprognostication 预测 | foreclose 取消抵押品赎回权 | foreclosure 丧失抵押品赎回权

4. foreclose的反义词

4. 阻止/排除/预先处理/取消抵押品赎回权:forecastle /军舰的/ | foreclose /阻止/排除/预先处理/取消抵押品赎回权/ | foreclosure /丧失抵押品赎回权/

  • 经典引文
  • The Puritans being thus foreclosed and shut out of the Church.

    出自:D. Neal
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
To me, the easy way out of such dilemmas is to foreclose the tension.(对我来说,最简单的方法就是从这样的困境没收了紧张感。)
His business is foreclose.(他的生意失败了。)
If you don't, the lender will foreclose on the home.(如果你不,贷方将排除在回家。)
Few lenders want to foreclose, a process that takes ages, incurs massive costs and often causes the departing residents to trash the house. It is better to agree on a quick sale.(几乎没有出贷者想要提前收回债权,因为这个过程要花费大量的时间,成本过高,而且常常造成搬走的房客毁坏房屋的事件。)
For when you fail to do so, the lender will then foreclose your loan.(当你不这样做,贷款,然后将预先您的贷款。)
Why would you make a loan if you weren't even sure that, if the guy defaulted, you could at least foreclose?(为什么你贷款,如果你甚至不知道,如果违约的家伙,你至少可以取消抵押品赎回权?)
More bad news for Dr. Conrad Murray — the bank is trying to foreclose on his Las Vegas home … the one that was filled with DEA agents yesterday.(默里更坏的消息—银行尝试取消他在拉斯维加斯的住房…一个昨天DEA官员都知道。)
About three or four nights every week, peasant debtors, bearing gifts of meat and wine, would feast the principal in the school rooms, trying to persuade him not to foreclose on their land.(每星期总有三四个晚上,负债的农民拿着酒肉到学堂里请校长吃席,求他不要没收他们典出的土地。)
Senior bondholders, who are owed around $3 billion, objected: they wanted to foreclose on the property and sell it off in order to recoup their money.(拥有大月30亿美元债权的高级债务所有人反对铁狮门和黑岩打算放弃抵押品赎回权并将其卖出以补偿资金损失的想法。)
When they failed to repay the losses, Citizens reported their personal account as delinquent to credit bureaus, and six months after the theft threatened to foreclose on their home.(而当他们无法支付损失时,国民银行向征信所举报他们的个人银行账号欠债不还,还在失窃半后,威胁要将他们的房子赎回。)
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