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英 [ˈfi:lə(r)]

美 [ˈfilɚ]





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1. one of a pair of mobile appendages on the head of e.g. insects and crustaceans
typically sensitive to touch and taste

Synonym: antenna

2. slender tactile process on the jaws of a fish

Synonym: barbel

3. sensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ

e.g. he had a special antenna for public relations

Synonym: antenna

4. a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others

e.g. she rejected his advances

Synonym: overtureadvanceapproach

1. (昆虫的)触角,触须
An insect's feelers are the two thin stalks on its head with which it touches and senses things around it.

2. 试探手段
If you put out feelers, you make careful, quiet contacts with people in order to get information from them, or to find out what their reaction will be to a suggestion.


e.g. When vacancies occur, the office puts out feelers to the universities.

1. feeler什么意思

1. 测隙规:feedway 输送装置 | feeler 测隙规 | feelerlever 触杆

2. 触须:feel 摸 | feeler 触须 | feeling 触觉


3. 试探;探针:feelerplug测孔规 | feeler试探;探针 | feero-chromo-lignosulfonate铁铬木质素磺酸盐

4. 试探性拳,左直拳:featkerweight羽量级 | feeler试探性拳,左直拳 | fist 拳

  • 经典引文
  • We are to be the main feelers of the consequences.

    出自:P. Thompson
  • He was not a strong thinker, but a sensitive feeler.

    出自:J. R. Lowell
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
The reality is full of diversification now, but people lost the feeler to feel the reality.(现实便得多样化了,人们却丧失了感觉真实的触角。)
If you are an extrovert and a "J," you are a thinker or feeler, whichever is stronger.(如果你是外向而且是“J”,你是个思考者或是感受者,无论哪个都是强势的。)
Measuring clearance reduction with a feeler gauge.(用测隙规测量游隙减小量。)
A feeler gauge a dial indicator or a cam-angle meter can be used to test the amount of contact-point opening.(测隙规,千分表或触点闭合角测定表也可检测触点开度。)
The probe can be penetrated into a coating until the bottom part of the coating through the compressive force effect of the feeler arm.(探测杆在压力作用下促使探针刺入涂层直至涂层的底部。)
A temperature sensibility feeler of the temperature detect switch is disposed on the outer body.(所述温控开关的感温探头安装在外杯体上。)
And dial gauge than feeler, its read a value accurate, but relatively difficult when the certain place of chassis is operated.(而百分表较之厚薄规,其读值准确,但是在底盘的某些部位操作时较为困难。)
Traditional method detecting by dial indicator or feeler gauge needs more time and effort.(传统的检测方法是由百分表或触角衡量,需要更多的时间和精力。)
Be sure nothing interferes with the sweep of the feeler arm.(确保探测臂摆动时无阻碍。)
But what if you are trying to persuade someone cold, without knowing whether they are a thinker or a feeler?(如果你想说服的人恰好是个闷罐子,你怎么去弄清楚他的思维类型呢?)
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