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英 [ɪkˈspʌndʒ]

美 [ɪkˈspʌndʒ]




名词: expunger 过去式: expunged 过去分词: expunged 现在分词: expunging 第三人称单数: expunges

  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释


1. remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line

e.g. Please strike this remark from the record
scratch that remark

Synonym: strikescratchexcise

1. 删除;清除;抹掉
If you expunge something, you get rid of it completely, because it causes problems or bad feelings.


e.g. The revolutionaries expunged domestic opposition...
e.g. The experience was something he had tried to expunge from his memory...

1. 擦去:implicate含有,暗示v,n | expunge擦去 | pungent辛辣

2. expunge什么意思

2. 删除,剔除 删除,剔除:explosive 炸药,爆炸物 炸药,爆炸物 | expunge 删除,剔除 删除,剔除 | extortion 勒索 勒索

3. 删除,剔除:explosive 炸药,爆炸物 | expunge 删除,剔除 | extortion 勒索

4. 删除:expression 词句;表达;表情 | expunge 删除 | extend 延长;扩大;致

  • 经典引文
  • Certain moments she wanted to expunge completely from his mind.

    出自:E. F. Benson
  • A culture cannot be expunged from the face of the earth by political directive.

    出自:Y. Menuhin
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
It ensures that after every message is moved, expunge will be called (otherwise, the message will remain in the mailbox).(它确保在移动每条消息后,将调用expunge(否则,消息仍将留在邮箱中)。)
Even death cannot expunge the fact that I enjoyed my daughter at all those different stages - and, yes, even now, I strive to keep her vibrantly alive.(即使死亡也不能抹杀我爱我的女儿的事实——在她生活中的每个阶段。是的,现在我依然在努力保持让她充满奔放地活在我的记忆中。)
His two nephews were often in trouble with the law, but in order to keep their official records unblemished, Tom would pay the police to expunge the material.(他的两个侄子经常触犯法律,但为了让他们的官方记录保持清白,汤姆贿赂警方,把材料一笔勾销。)
Wonder when to expunge that kitchen sponge from your life?(你对何时换掉厨房里的海绵有疑问?)
He knew about several vacations I had taken with my family, where I lived, and other more personal items that I am now trying to expunge from my cyber file.(他知道我带全家去哪些地方度假,我家住在哪里,还有更多其他个人信息,眼下我正忙着从个人网络文件删除这些信息。)
To be able not to merely forget, but to expunge your unhappy childhood, or unrequited love, or rocky marriage from your memory.(能够不仅仅是忘记,同时从你的记忆中也淡忘你不愉快的童年和单相思的爱情或困难重重的婚姻。)
The juvenile court may expunge or destroy the records of a juvenile at any time.(少年法庭可在任何时候删除或者是销毁未成年人的法庭判决记录。)
It is better, however, to use plain expunge after all the messages are moved, in combination with the -n flag.(然而,更好的方法是在移动所有消息之后直接使用expunge,并加上-n标志。)
Expunge this junk from the requirements document.(从需求文档中除去此垃圾。)
There's one valedictory wink from the great magician, a final card containing a list of synonyms for "efface" – expunge, erase, delete, rub out, wipe out and…(这是最后一次来自这个伟大的魔法师的眨眼告别,一张列着“消除”的近义词的最后底牌——擦除、清除、删除、磨灭、消灭,还有……)
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