Exhume corpses upgrade - This upgrade allows me Wagons to generate corpses like a Graveyard.(挖掘尸体升级-这个升级项目可以使运尸车像坟场一样制造尸体。)
That should give us more than enough time to exhume the body.(他们得到充足的时间来开棺验尸。)
Cherish, enrich and exhume yourselves, and the world will identify with your value at last.(珍惜你自己,不断充实,发掘自己,最后世界才会认同你的价值。)
It seems that the proof of Pythagoras's theorem comes pretty much from just consulting the ideas of Euclidean triangle, the exhume of Euclidean geometry and simply doing inferences from those.(看起来毕达哥拉斯的定理,似乎来自于欧几里德的三角形理论,从欧几里德几何学的发现中可以简单地推理出来。)
Mr Vinceti is a member of a group which is seeking permission to exhume da Vinci's remains from his tomb at Amboise Castle in France's Loire Valley.(文森特先生是获取许可在法国卢尔瓦河谷达芬奇墓中发掘遗骸的组员之一。)
ROME - Italian and British scientists want to exhume the body of 16th century astronomer Galileo for DNA tests to determine if his severe vision problems may have affected some of his findings.(意大利和英国的科学家计划把16世纪天文学家伽利略的尸体挖掘出来并进行DNA测试,以决定他晚年严重的视力问题是否影响了他的一些天文发现。)
When suspicion of vampirism fled though an area, it was not uncommon for the towns people to exhume the corpses of their loved ones to check for the tell tale signs of a vampire in the grave.(当吸血鬼的故事风传到某地时,居民们常常会将逝去的亲人开棺验尸,检查是否有传说中吸血鬼的特征。)
I thought that some future Layard might exhume the cornices of the Oxford temples.(我想未来的莱亚德或许会发掘出牛津大学殿堂的飞檐。)
It does not allow someone to exhume memories that are decades old or to retrace or undo human development.(它并不能让人挖掘出几十年前的记忆、重新追索或取消人的成长。)
Galluzzi said he was waiting for permission from the church to exhume the body and then would form a committee of historians, scientists and doctors to oversee the project.(Gallizzi说他目前正在等待教会的开棺许可。得到许可后,他将召集一个由历史学家、科学家和医生组成的委员会来监督这一项目的进行。)
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