Making massive changes to code is always a drudgery and an error-prone process.(对代码进行重大更改总是一个苦差事而且是一个易出错的过程。)
Automating processes can remove unnecessary drudgery, but should never be a way of escaping due diligence.(自动备份过程能够去除不必要的枯燥工作,但是不应因此而变得懒惰。)
What’s making your work seem like drudgery rather than joyful?(又是什么让你的工作看起来更像是乏味的苦力而不是有趣的游戏呢?)
Marriage counsellor Terry Real said he believes some users go on Facebook to create a fantasy life and escape the drudgery.(婚姻咨询师TerryReal说他相信部分用户登录Facebook是为了逃避日复一日的枯燥,创造一个幻想中的精彩人生。)
And when an activity feels like drudgery, the quality of learning tends to suffer, too.(而且,当一项活动让人觉得是一件苦差事,学习质量也可能变糟。)
In so doing, it removes the drudgery from JDBC programming so that you can focus on queries and their results.(这么做之后,就消除了JDBC编程的繁琐,从而使您可以把注意力放在查询和查询结果上。)
"Without concrete and desirable goals, a budget is just drudgery," Rich said.(没有稳固和满意的目标,预算就会成为一件苦差事。)
When you work with the intention of excellence, no matter how hard you work, it is never drudgery.(当你以追求卓越为目的而写作时,无论你的工作如何艰辛,它绝不会单调乏味。)
Spending years (or a lifetime) in drudgery for future-promised happiness (ie. retirement).(苦苦的花了数年的时间(甚至是一生的时间)只是为了得到别人对未来承诺的那一点幸福;(比如退休)。)
Finally, say goodbye to the dull, everyday drudgery of null reference exceptions.(最后,告别那些处理空引用异常的枯燥差事吧。)
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