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副词: drudgingly 名词: drudger 过去式: drudged 过去分词: drudged 现在分词: drudging 第三人称单数: drudges

  • 英英释义
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1. a laborer who is obliged to do menial work

Synonym: peonnavvygalley slave

2. one who works hard at boring tasks

Synonym: hackhacker


1. work hard

e.g. She was digging away at her math homework
Lexicographers drudge all day long

Synonym: laborlabourtoilfagtravailgrinddigmoil

1. 苦工;做乏味工作的人
If you describe someone as a drudge, you mean they have to work hard at a job which is not very important or interesting.

1. 苦工:纵容加花是踩实(tramp)弟弟慢说(drawl)不争吵(brawl),专家平躺(sprawl)他拖网(trawl)成年之后才谄媚(adulate),否定以后起波澜(undulate),模式变调才调音(modulate),拖拖拉拉才发芽(pullulate)弟弟做苦工(drudge),哥哥表抱怨(grudge),

2. 做苦工:纵容加花是踩实(tramp)弟弟慢说(drawl)不争吵(brawl),专家平躺(sprawl)他拖网(trawl)成年之后才谄媚(adulate),否定以后起波澜(undulate),模式变调才调音(modulate),拖拖拉拉才发芽(pullulate)弟弟做苦工(drudge),哥哥表抱怨(grudge),

3. 劳碌的人:164. doyen: 老前辈. | 165. drudge: 劳碌的人. | 166. dunce: 笨人.

4. 强迫做苦工:drub 用棒打 | drudge 强迫做苦工 | drudge 辛苦地从事

  • 经典引文
  • He was the common drudge..to make, correct, or review the Latine Sermons.

    出自:Anthony Wood
  • All I am is a servant,..a household drudge.

    出自:M. Drabble
  • My father had been out..enjoying himself while she drudged at home.

    出自:E. Blishen
  • Drudging sullenly at subjects I despised.

    出自:R. Church
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Most freelancers have some mix of high-paying drudge work and low-to-no paying interesting work.(大多数自由职业者选择的工作既有一些高薪但枯燥的,也有报酬极低却很有趣的。)
I once thought that I would like to be a scholar, but instead I have become an office drudge.(我曾经认为我会变成一个学者,但实际是我成了一个办公室苦力。)
Who, on a Sunday jaunt to the shORe OR mountains, has not pitied some self-employed drudge?(哪一个星期天到海滨或山上去游览的人不同情那些辛辛苦苦的个体经营者呢?)
But these risks are marginal given the potential to build a generation that can navigate the media landscape, without relying solely on the Huffington Post or Drudge Report as their compass.(但考虑到培养出能够正确应对媒体现实而无须仅仅依赖《赫芬顿邮报》或者《德拉吉报道》作为指南针的一代人的潜在前景,这些风险微不足道。)
The editors had already made up their minds, sources told the Drudge Report.(而且知情人士向《德拉吉报道》透露,《时代》杂志的编辑们已经做了最后决定。)
Integrated Lifecycle Environment You should strive to automate as much of the "drudge work" — such as metrics gathering and system build — as possible.(集成的生命周期环境您应该争取尽可能多地将“重体力工作”自动化——例如度量收集和系统构建。)
No more the drudge and idler—ten that toil where one reposes.(不再有人必须在閒散富人休息的时候十倍辛勤工作。)
Alim is a bit of a drudge, and he "s certainly not very sure of himself."(阿利姆是一个苦力位,他肯定不是很肯定自己。)
If those drudge, migrant workers, and waiters, please don't because of oneself is high class to these people, cynical, irrational bitter provocation, ask for trouble, nagging.(如果面对那些民工,苦力,和服务生,请不要因为自己是高产阶级而对这些人冷眼相对,冷嘲热讽,无端挑衅,没事找事,从中挑刺。)
I don't mind doing some drudge along the way just to take the mind off for a while.(我不介意做只是为了前进的道路上采取了一段时间的心灵了一些做苦工。)
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