副词: dissentingly 过去式: dissented 过去分词: dissented 现在分词: dissenting 第三人称单数: dissents
副词: dissentingly 过去式: dissented 过去分词: dissented 现在分词: dissenting 第三人称单数: dissents
1. the act of protesting
a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent
Synonym: protestobjection
2. a difference of opinion
3. (law) the difference of one judge's opinion from that of the majority
e.g. he expressed his dissent in a contrary opinion
1. withhold assent
e.g. Several Republicans dissented
2. be of different opinions
e.g. I beg to differ!
She disagrees with her husband on many questions
Synonym: disagreediffertake issue
3. express opposition through action or words
e.g. dissent to the laws of the country
Synonym: protestresist
1. (尤指与多数人或权威人士的)意见不一致,意见分歧
Dissent is strong disagreement or dissatisfaction with a decision or opinion, especially one that is supported by most people or by people in authority.
e.g. He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent...
e.g. Political dissent would no longer be tolerated...
2. 不同意,持异议(尤指与多数人或权威人士支持的观点、决定相左)
If you dissent, you express disagreement with a decision or opinion, especially one that is supported by most people or by people in authority.
e.g. Just one of the 10 members dissented...
e.g. No one dissents from the decision to unify...
1. 异议:阿伦特是菲利普.拉甫(Philip Rahv)埃德蒙德.威尔逊(Edmund Wilson)长期伙伴的小说家及评论家玛丽.麦卡锡(Mary McCarthy)的朋友,经常为<>(Commentary)<>(Partisan Review)<>和<>(Dissent)当然还包括纽约实质
2. dissent
2. 不同意见:此外,不但多数意见写在判决书上,不同意见(dissent)也可能写在判决书上. 此外如果一个法官同意某一判决结果,但是推理不同,也会可以写在判决书上,这叫做concur. 当然,也有人不认为法官个人署名是个好主意,
It was traditional for any minister who disagreed deeply with the decision to ask for his dissent to be recorded.
出自:H. WilsonWhen he talked about freedom to dissent he hadn't meant that we should..organize an anti-Government campaign.
出自:B. Castle