
好工具 > 单词大全 > disseminate



英 [dɪˈsemɪneɪt]

美 [dɪˈsɛməˌnet]




名词: dissemination 过去式: disseminated 过去分词: disseminated 现在分词: disseminating 第三人称单数: disseminates

  • 双解释义
  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释
  • vt. 散布,传播 scatter widely;spread about



1. cause to become widely known

e.g. spread information
circulate a rumor
broadcast the news

Synonym: circulatecircularizecircularisedistributepropagatebroadcastspreaddiffusedispersepass around

1. 散布;传播
To disseminate information or knowledge means to distribute it so that it reaches many people or organizations.

e.g. It took years to disseminate information about Aids in Africa...
e.g. They disseminated anti-French propaganda.

He promoted the dissemination of scientific ideas.

1. 传播:D:传播(Disseminate)家门之内无品牌,品牌既要策划,更要去做,而且关键还是去传播. 品牌的建立首先需要有载体--产品或服务,产品或服务的生产制造就需要严格、科学的管理过程. 科学合理的管理可以保证产品或服务的质量,使品牌有了质量基石,

2. 散播:它为了达到控制空间和人的目的(有时也出于宗教的目的),更远、更快地扩散(spread)、传送(transmit),散播(disseminate)知识、思想和信息[12](詹姆斯.W. 凯瑞,2005:6). 美国著名的传播学家詹姆斯.W. 凯瑞(James W.

3. 传播,散布:dissect 分辨,切开,分析 | disseminate 传播,散布 | dissent 不同意


4. 散布:filing cabinet 档案橱柜 | disseminate 散布 | cyanotype 氰版照相法

  • 常用例句
  • 经典引文
  • The agency would collect and disseminate information.
  • The mass of the Fulani population..is disseminated among diverse Negro populations.

    出自:C. G. Seligman
  • She collected and disseminated bad news.

    出自:Q. Bell
  • 词义讲解
disseminate, circulate, diffuse, expand, extend, propagate, radiate, spread
  • 这组词都有“延伸”“延长”“伸展”“展开”的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.spread指向四面八方扩大范围。
  • 2.circulate指无拘无束地或不间断地传播、散布到各处。例如:
  • She opened a window to allow the air to circulate.她打开窗户使空气流通。
  • 3.disseminate指到处传播思想、理论等。例如:
  • They use the press to disseminate right wing views.他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。
  • 4.diffuse指光线、声音、气味等在空中传送或散布。例如:
  • Light diffused from the window.光从窗户射进来。
  • 5.extend指延展物体的长度、宽度,延伸或扩大某一事物,以及延长时间、期限等,也指伸开四肢或躯体。例如:
  • They extended the road for three more miles.他们把那条路又延长了三英里多。
  • The headmaster extended our holidays by a week.校长把我们的假期延长了一个星期。
  • 6.expand指扩大面积或体积,也指把合拢的东西放开(即三维)。例如:
  • This county has expanded its area under cultivation by more than 50,000 mu .该县扩大了50,000亩耕地。
  • Heat expands metals.热使金属膨胀。
  • He does exercises to expand his chest.他做体操扩胸。
  • 7.propagate通常指宣传某种信念、看法或传播某种言论,以使更多的人相信或参与。例如:
  • We should not only learn knowledge, but also propagate it.我们不仅应学习知识,而且应传播它。
  • The Greek civilization was propagated all over Europe.希腊文明传播至整个欧洲。
  • 8.radiate指从中心向四面八方散发,是技术用语,特指光或热的辐射。例如:
  • The sun radiates light and heat.太阳放射光和热。
  • The electric heater radiated warmth.电暖器散发出热量。
    • 近义词
    • 临近词
    This day and age, video has become the best way to disseminate information, whether it is entertainment television, and news reports, commercial advertising, by means of a video.(这一天和年龄,视频已成为最好的传播信息,无论是娱乐电视新闻报道,商业广告,视频的方式。)
    Furthermore, ongoing advocacy and social marketing efforts are being made to disseminate information about the safety benefits of helmets to combat erroneous public perceptions.(此外,目前正在提倡佩戴头盔并向社会宣传佩戴头盔的安全好处,以便纠正公众的错误认识。)
    Colleges and universities are not only the important bases to train high quality talents but also the important places to inherit and disseminate the advanced culture.(高校既是培养高素质专门人才的重要基地,又是继承传播先进文化的重要场所。)
    It later emerged that the report had been fabricated by a youth television programme, aiming to illustrate how easy it was to disseminate false information via the media.(不久之后,该报道被证明是一家新成立不久的电视台伪造的,其目的是教育人们通过媒体散布虚假信息是多么容易。)
    Ensures clear lines of communication exist to disseminate information affecting employer - employee relations, employee activities and property policies and program.(确保与员工相关的信息交流设有明确的界线﹣员工关系,员工的工作和物业的规定和计划。)
    That might be opening up a database that improves search results, offering a browser that is faster or more flexible than others, or finding new ways to collect and disseminate information.(可以是开发一个提高搜索结果的数据库,或者提供一个比其他产品更快更灵活的浏览器,也可以是探索收集和传播信息的新方法。)
    Finally, respondents report using Web videos more frequently since the previous survey; technology improvements have made videos easier to produce and disseminate within organizations.(最后,受访者表示使用网络视频的频率比上一次调查时高,因为技术的进步使得企业内部的视频制作和传播更加方便。)
    Learning how to communicate at a deeper level and how to disseminate information will be a continuing theme for the next six months.(学习如何更深层的沟通、如何散播资讯在往后六个月中将是个持续的议题。)
    For although telegraph wires could deliver news more rapidly than ever, they had a "last mile" problem: they could not disseminate news quickly to thousands of people.(尽管电报线传送新闻比以前更快,但他们遭遇了“最后一英里”问题:无法将新闻快速传给千家万户。)
    It also raises doubts over the effectiveness of China's scientific publishing — which, after all, isto disseminate details of research for others around the world to build on.(同时也引发了对中国学术论文发表效果的质疑疑——毕竟,论文发表的目的是为了传播研究的细节,以使世界其他国家的研究人员能够在中国研究的基础上进行进一步研究。)
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