
好工具 > 单词大全 > crinkle



英 [ˈkrɪŋkl]

美 [ˈkrɪŋkəl]





形容词: crinkly 过去式: crinkled 过去分词: crinkled 现在分词: crinkling 第三人称单数: crinkles

  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
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1. a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface

e.g. his face has many lines
ironing gets rid of most wrinkles

Synonym: wrinklefurrowcreaseseamline


1. become wrinkled or crumpled or creased

e.g. This fabric won't wrinkle

Synonym: rumplecrumplewrinklecrease

2. make wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface
make a pressed, folded or wrinkled line in

e.g. The dress got wrinkled
crease the paper like this to make a crane

Synonym: wrinklerucklecreasescrunchscrunch upcrisp

1. (使)变皱;(使)起皱纹
If something crinkles or if you crinkle it, it becomes slightly creased or folded.


e.g. He shrugged whimsically, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses...
e.g. When she laughs, she crinkles her perfectly-formed nose...

2. 褶痕;皱纹
Crinkles are small creases or folds.


1. 波状:mannequin 服装模特儿 | crinkle 波状 | cascade 波状花边

2. crinkle的翻译

2. (使)变皱;(使)卷曲:wrinkle 使皱;起皱 | crinkle (使)变皱;(使)卷曲 | appropriate 挪用;盗用

3. 条子泡泡纱:crinkle georgette 顺纬乔其 | crinkle 条子泡泡纱 | crinkled crepe 泡泡绉

4. 皱纹:crinite 有球发的 | crinkle 皱纹 | crinkleroot 美洲荠

  • 经典引文
  • Huge crinkled lettuces.

    出自:T. C. Wolfe
  • Her face would..crinkle under the influence of impatience or anger.

    出自:P. V. White
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Our company provides crinkle processing for many kinds of fabric, heat transfer, welcome both new and old customers for inquiring.(我公司提供各种面料压绉加工,转印,欢迎新老客户垂询!)
The intriguing features, called lobate scarps, are faults created when the Moon's once-molten interior began to cool, causing the lunar surface to contract and then crinkle, they said.(这些被称为“叶状陡坡”的有趣的地貌特点是在月球一度融化的内核开端冷却的进程中形成的断层,这一进程使得月球表面产生压缩,并呈现褶皱。)
Send the crinkle and tear of wrapping paper and the oohs and aahs that punctuate each gift as it is exposed and shown around.(寄给我礼物包装纸被撕开的声音和孩子们打开礼物并四处炫耀时的啊呀声。)
Soybean protein fiber is of many excellent properties, but poor crinkle - proof and dimension stability.(摘要大豆蛋白纤维具有许多优良的服用性能,但存在抗皱性和尺寸稳定性差的缺陷。)
In the last film, I had a fairly standard make-up on, but now, they're starting to crinkle my face.(在上一部电影中,我的化妆还算标准,不过现在,他们开始在我的脸上画皱纹。)
I made the book crinkle and black with a mess.(我把那本作文选揉皱了,揩黑了。)
The special design of cloth puller, moved by twin puller will prevent slipping and crinkle, and make the most complete and perfect cloth, raincoat, car cloak and boot.(本机种可加装精精心设计的拉布轮,双轮上下全带动,防滑防皱。缝制出平滑完整的衣服、雨衣、车罩马靴。)
And I imagine his laugh, and the way his eyes crinkle, and I think of the things that amuse him.(我想象他的笑,想象他眼睛皱起来的样子,我思考能够逗他发笑的事情。)
I may not have a mansion I haven't any land not even a paper doll ar to crinkle in my hand but I can show you morning on a thousand hills and kiss you and give you seven daffodils.(我没有高楼,也没有土地,我没有在手中沙沙作响的纸币。但我能让你看见万山丛中的清晨,我会亲吻你,给你七朵水仙花。)
These are crinkle-cut French fries that, as far as I can tell, come out of a bag stored in the freezer.(据我猜测,这种波纹薯条是储藏在冰箱里的袋装薯条。)
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