come into being

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come into being

更新时间:2024-06-18 00:50:22

英 [kʌm ˈɪntuː ˈbi:ɪŋ]

美 [kʌm ˈɪntu ˈbiɪŋ]

come into being基本解释

出现; 存在; 产生; 形成; 成立


  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释

come into being的反义词


1. be born or come into existence

e.g. All these flowers come to life when the rains come

Synonym: come to life

1. come into being的解释

1. 存在:Come in 进来 | Come into being 存在 | Come off 脱落,分离,下落

2. 形成...局面;产生:自始自终 from beginning to end | 形成...局面;产生 come into being | 安全带 a safety belt

3. 形成:break away from摆脱 | come into being形成 | do away with废除

4. come into being的近义词

4. 形成, 产生:141. come true 实现 | 142. come into being 形成, 产生 | 143. have sth in common 共识

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
In some instances, human interaction with technology is required for the artwork to come into being.(在某些情况下,人机交互技术有赖于艺术去实现。)
When did the club come into being?(这个俱乐部是什么时候成立的?)
And even before that, how did the planet on which we live come into being?(甚至再往前推,我们居住的星球又是怎样形成的?)
When did the world come into being?(世界是什么时候开始存在的?)
When Yin and Yang are unbalanced, dreams come into being.(当阴阳失衡时,便会做梦。)
I don't know the club come into being.(我不知道俱乐部已经成立了。)
So how did it come into being, the Just University?(那公正的大学这门课是怎样开设的呢?)
Services don't come into being instantaneously and then exist forever.(服务并不会瞬间立即形成,然后永远存在。)
How does environment pollution come into being?(环境污染是怎么形成的?)
The nature creates all kinds of strange creatures. They come into being under the unknown principle of nature.(大自然创造了千奇百怪的生物。它们的形成,都伴依着一种大自然从不明讲的原则。)
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