形容词: collapsible 名词: collapsibility 过去式: collapsed 过去分词: collapsed 现在分词: collapsing 第三人称单数: collapses
形容词: collapsible 名词: collapsibility 过去式: collapsed 过去分词: collapsed 现在分词: collapsing 第三人称单数: collapses
1. the act of throwing yourself down
e.g. he landed on the bed with a great flop
Synonym: flop
2. a natural event caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in
e.g. the roof is in danger of collapse
the collapse of the old star under its own gravity
3. a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)
Synonym: crash
4. an abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion
e.g. the commander's prostration demoralized his men
Synonym: prostration
1. collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack
Synonym: break down
2. lose significance, effectiveness, or value
e.g. The school system is collapsing
The stock market collapsed
3. suffer a nervous breakdown
Synonym: crack upcrackcrock upbreak up
4. break down, literally or metaphorically
e.g. The wall collapsed
The business collapsed
The dam broke
The roof collapsed
The wall gave in
The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice
Synonym: fall incave ingivegive waybreakfounder
5. cause to burst
e.g. The ice broke the pipe
Synonym: burst
6. fall apart
e.g. the building crumbled after the explosion
Negotiations broke down
Synonym: crumblecrumpletumblebreak down
7. fold or close up
e.g. fold up your umbrella
collapse the music stand
1. 倒塌;塌下
If a building or other structure collapses, it falls down very suddenly.
e.g. A section of the Bay Bridge had collapsed...
e.g. The roof collapsed in a roar of rock and rubble...
2. (体系或机构)崩溃,瓦解,突然失败
If something, for example a system or institution, collapses, it fails or comes to an end completely and suddenly.
e.g. His business empire collapsed under a massive burden of debt...
e.g. This system has collapsed in most countries where it ruled...
3. (因生病或虚弱)突然倒下,昏倒
If you collapse, you suddenly faint or fall down because you are very ill or weak.
e.g. He collapsed following a vigorous exercise session at his home...
e.g. It's commonplace to see people collapsing from hunger in the streets.
4. (因精疲力竭而)突然坐下(或倒下)
If you collapse onto something, you sit or lie down suddenly because you are very tired.
e.g. She arrived home exhausted and barely capable of showering before collapsing on her bed.
5. 萎陷;内陷;瘪掉
If something with air inside collapses, it falls inwards and becomes smaller or flatter.
e.g. He plunged 300ft to the ground when his parachute collapsed...
e.g. He was rushed to hospital last week after suffering a collapsed lung.
The fireman collapsed from inhaling too much smoke.
The poor girl collapsed from tiredness.
The operation might induce an immediate collapse.
出自:A. J. CroninThe marshal..waits in collapse on a chair.
出自:A. MarsThe entire collapse of his career.
出自:P. AckroydThe camp bed..collapsed repeatedly.
出自:E. WaughThe side collapsed and half filled the pit with earth.
出自:I. F. ElisLegislators are getting frightened about a politically embarrassing short-term collapse at the USPS.
Integrity had collapsed, because of a collective acceptance that the only "sorting mechanism" in society should be profit and the market.
The resulting settlement maps show how the distribution and density of the rural population around the city changed dramatically, when Copán collapsed.
A string of accidents, including the partial collapse of a cooling tower in 2007, raised serious questions.