carry through

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carry through

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:59:59

英 [ˈkæri θru:]

美 [ˈkæri θru]

carry through基本解释

完成; 贯彻


  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
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1. put in effect

e.g. carry out a task
execute the decision of the people
He actioned the operation

Synonym: accomplishexecutecarry outactionfulfillfulfil

2. bring into safety

e.g. We pulled through most of the victims of the bomb attack

Synonym: savepull throughbring through

1. (常指艰难地)坚持做,完成
If you carry something through, you do it or complete it, often in spite of difficulties.

carry through

e.g. We don't have the confidence that the UN will carry through a sustained program...
e.g. The state announced a clear-cut policy and set out to carry it through.

1. 进行(到底贯彻:carry out 进行(到底),开展 | carry through 进行(到底贯彻 | cash in on 靠...赚钱,乘机利用

2. 完成:the key to......的答案(线索、办法) | carry through完成 | carry about随身携带


3. 完成,进行到底:carry out执行,贯彻;实现 | carry through 完成,进行到底 | check in办理登记手续

4. carry through

4. 进行到底,完成计划:carry off 抢走,夺走/获得奖品 | carry through 进行到底,完成计划 | carry sb through 使......渡过难关

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
He has proved he can carry through on his promises.(他已证明他能履行自己的诺言。)
You are thus able to carry through plans and fulfill your obligations, earning respect in your business or profession.(你进而有能力执行计划并且完成你的义务,获得你生意或专业的尊重。)
Appearance of private brand strategy causes retail marketing strategy and tactics to carry through transforming uninterrupted in span and depth.(自有品牌战略的出现使得零售营销的战略和战术在广度和深度上不断进行变革。)
However, it's also very difficult to get fuel components to carry this experiment on, which makes this experiment can't be carry through widely.(即便如此,反应堆用到的燃料棒的获取仍是一件不易的事,给该实验的广泛进行带来了很大的阻碍。)
It use the existing industrial device and plant environment to carry through device reformation and system's foundation.(它是在利用现有的工业设备和工厂环境的情况下,进行设备改造和系统的建立。)
Singers developed a sharp style of singing that could carry through the noise of street life.(演唱者发明了一种有着激扬风格的唱腔,可力透街市生活的嘈杂。)
The paper presents some personal viewpoints about how to carry through the education of anti-frustration ability among college students.(文章仅针对此情况下如何对大学生进行抗挫折能力教育问题谈谈个人的观点。)
The EMF lets us generate a code that will use to create model instances, which we carry through to this generation.(EMF让我们生成了一个代码,您可以使用该代码来创建模型实例,我们可以使用它来完成生成操作。)
These verbs signify to carry through to completion. To.(这些动词都表示执行以完成。)
Carry through the work of CPU design possess the momentous academic value and realistic value.(进行CPU相关的设计研发工作有着重大的学术意义和现实意义。)
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