carry out

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carry out

英 [ˈkæri aut]

美 [ˈkæri aʊt]

carry out基本解释



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1. pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue

e.g. Did he go through with the treatment?
He implemented a new economic plan
She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal

Synonym: follow throughfollow upfollow outimplementput throughgo through

2. put in effect

e.g. carry out a task
execute the decision of the people
He actioned the operation

Synonym: carry throughaccomplishexecuteactionfulfillfulfil

1. 实施;执行;实行
If you carry out a threat, task, or instruction, you do it or act according to it.

e.g. The Social Democrats could still carry out their threat to leave the government...
e.g. Police say they believe the attacks were carried out by nationalists...

1. 实现:这位将性感带回的男歌手终于从女友杰西卡贝尔(Jessica Biel)那里翘班,在新专辑<>(Carry Out)的MV中和两名穿惹火法国女佣服的黑人女郎眉目传情.

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
The authority failed to carry out its statutory duties.(主管部门未履行自己的法定职责。)
All schools should carry out regular health and safety inspections.(所有的学校都应该进行定期的安全卫生检查。)
It was very important for the mission we were going to carry out.(它对我们将要执行的任务非常重要。)
Make sure the firm is competent to carry out the work.(要确保这家公司有能力完成这项工作。)
They want to know if the economic crisis would affect our ability to carry out the deal we signed last November.(他们想知道经济危机是否会影响我们对去年11月签署的协议的执行能力。)
We do not ordinarily carry out this type of work.(我们通常不会实际去做这类工作。)
The navy is to carry out an examination of the wreck tomorrow.(海军明天将会对失事船只作仔细检查。)
She didn't think that he was well enough to carry out such an exacting task.(她认为他身体不是很好,不能执行如此艰巨的任务。)
It's just talk. He'd never carry out his threats.(这只不过是说说而已。他绝不会把他的恫吓付诸行动。)
Animals, even insects, carry out what look like very complex decision making processes.(动物,甚至昆虫,都执行着看起来非常复杂的决策过程。)
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