
好工具 > 单词大全 > bulrush


英 [ˈbʊlrʌʃ]

美 [ˈbʊlˌrʌʃ]




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  • 芦苇
  • (宽叶)香蒲
  • 灯芯草
  • 纸草,纸莎草
  • 草属植物
  • 水烛
  • 堡垒


1. tall rush with soft erect or arching stems found in Eurasia, Australia, New Zealand, and common in North America

Synonym: bullrushcommon rushsoft rushJuncus effusus

2. tall marsh plant with cylindrical seed heads that explode when mature shedding large quantities of down
its long flat leaves are used for making mats and chair seats
of North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa

Synonym: cat's-tailbullrushnailrodreed macereedmaceTypha latifolia

1. bulrush的近义词

1. 芦苇:1月23日 芦苇(Bulrush) 花语:服从 花占卜:你虽然拥有超凡的、先知自觉的能力,但不懂得控制自己的情绪,做事总是争先恐后,不会计划,给人一种轻浮、鲁莽的感觉.

2. 灯心草:与桑皮 , 稻草同样是有较强韧纤维的植物 , 特点就是纤维长、韧度强、色泽好,所以编成的凉席气味清香、柔软吸汗、耐温,用它编织的凉席柔软吸汗 , 与皮肤的亲和力强 , 凉度较低,凉爽程度适中. (6) 灯心草 (bulrush) 纤维 :

3. [植]芦苇, 香蒲, 纸草:menthyl lactate 乳酸薄荷酯 | bulrush [植]芦苇, 香蒲, 纸草 | passavant [法]通行证

4. 芦苇, 香蒲, 纸草:bullyrag || 威吓, 欺凌 | bulrush || 芦苇, 香蒲, 纸草 | bultery || 伙食房,食品贮藏室

  • 经典引文
  • She tooke for him an arke of bul-rushes.

    出自:Bible (AV): Exodus
  • Tall bulrushes with their stout heads of brown plush.

    出自:M. Webb
  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Helophyte a perennial marsh plant that has its overwintering buds under water. An example is bulrush (Typha).(沼生植物:多年生的沼泽植物,具有水下越冬芽。例如芦苇(香蒲)。)
Do not become a bulrush without thinking a person with thinking.(不做没有思想的芦苇,做有思想的人。)
Bulrush gray. dew white. My beloved, just on the water side.(兼葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方。)
Is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him?(岂是叫人垂头像苇子、用麻布和炉灰铺在他以下么。)
The technology of immersing extraction and the fill prescription with purslane, bulrush root, sundew root, hawthorn and mint by orthogonal experiment was researched.(通过正交实验对马齿苋、卢根、茅根、山楂、薄荷等野生植物的浸提工艺和其复合型饮料的配方进行了研究。)
A day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him?(岂是叫人垂头像苇子,用麻布和炉灰铺在他以下吗。)
Instead, he is sent a Tereza in a bulrush basket.(相反,有一个人用一个草篮把特丽莎送给了他。)
They bundle totora reeds-the stalks of the giant bulrush-into floating, shape-shifting masses that change as reeds rot and new ones are lashed on.(他们把高大的多多啦芦苇的茎秆绑成捆,制成庞大的漂浮物。旧的芦苇不断腐烂,新的芦苇又编进去,所以岛的形状一直在变化。)
Based on the polluted status of the Qinhuai River, calamus and narrow leaf bulrush are used to clean the Qinhuai River water.(针对外秦淮河的污染状况,采用挺水植物菖蒲和狭叶香蒲进行试验,对外秦淮河的污染水质进行净化;)
The woman from the bulrush basket or the woman from Plato's myth?(来自草篮的女子,还是来自柏拉图假说的女子?)
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