Johann Franz Encke, Director of the Berlin Observatory, finally determined a value for the AU based on all these parallax measurements: 153,340,000 km.(柏林天文台主任约翰·弗朗茨·恩克最终根据所有这些视差测量结果确定了天文单位的一个值为153,340,000公里。)
The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolized the end of the Cold War between East and West.(柏林墙的倒塌象征着东西方冷战的结束。)
Zoo spokeswoman Rebecca Smith said, "We have a team come over from Berlin to take ultrasound scans of all our pregnant elephants."(动物园女发言人丽贝卡史密斯说:“我们有一个来自柏林的小组给所有怀孕的大象做超声扫描。”)
Reagan loathed the Berlin Wall.(里根憎恨柏林墙。)
German shepherd cross-breed dog named Adolf sits in his kennel in Berlin on October 15, 2003.(2003年10月15日,德国杂交牧羊犬阿道夫趴在他的狗窝里。)
At the time, it became clear that the newly reunified Berlin would need a modern airport with far greater capacity than its existing airports.(当时,很明显,重新统一后的柏林需要一个比它现有机场容量大得多的现代化机场。)
Guests will feel the atmosphere of a bar in Berlin, enjoy real German beers and meals.(客人将在柏林感受酒吧的氛围,享受真正的德国啤酒和美食。)
"Ich hab’ noch einen Koffer in Berlin" (I’ve still got a suitcase in Berlin) is a haunting Marlene Dietrich song.(“我有个旅行箱在柏林”是首萦绕在心头的德国歌曲。)
The study program is offered by the Berlin-based Beuth University of Applied Sciences.(该研究计划由位于柏林的博伊特应用科学大学提供。)
He studies physics in Berlin.(他在柏林学习物理学。)
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