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  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释


1. soak in a special solution to soften and remove chemicals used in previous treatments

e.g. bate hides and skins

2. flap the wings wildly or frantically
used of falcons

3. moderate or restrain
lessen the force of

e.g. He bated his breath when talking about this affair
capable of bating his enthusiasm

1. 假节理:batchwise 分批输送 | bate 假节理 | bateque 泉水沉积

2. 减弱:batcher 材料计量器 | bate 减弱 | bateau bridge 浮桥

3. 包皮重量:batching 定量 | bate 包皮重量 | bateau bridge 浮桥

4. 软皮剂;柔皮剂:batchwise fractional liquid extraction 批式分级液体萃取 | bate 软皮剂;柔皮剂 | bath salt 浴盐

5. bate:baseband adaptive transversal equalizer; 基本频带自适应横向均压器,基带自适应横向均衡器

  • 经典引文
  • You are eager, and baiting to be gone.

  • The pirates no longer ran separate and shouting.., but kept side by side and spoke with bated breath.

    出自:R. L. Stevenson
  • 临近词
Big mouth drinks water, make defecate bate, if haemorrhage is much, went to a hospital looking.(大口喝水,使大便软化,假如出血多的话,就去医院看了。)
IN HIS 1997 book, "the Genius of Shakespeare", Jonathan Bate wrote about the man whom Ben Jonson, a rival playwright, poet and actor, described as "not of the age, but for all time".(与莎翁齐名的剧作家、诗人演员本。琼生曾说,莎士比亚“并非一时之巨,而是永世之巅”。)
The results demonstrated that bating action of normal temperature bating enzyme was more alleviate, uniform and thorough than trypsins. This bate also showed a better effect on separating fibres.(结果表明,常温软化酶软化作用更缓和、均匀、深透,分散纤维效果更好。)
This paper reported white points in oyster cocktail, defined the bacillus. By the test analysis of salinity, temperature and sterilization, studied the technology of bate bacillus.(本文对蚝油中存在的白点进行分析、检验,确定为芽孢杆菌属,并从蚝油的含盐量、煮制温度、灭菌时间等方面去探讨抑制芽孢杆菌的生长方法。)
At summer picnics, there is often an informal baseball game. Boys and girls, the young and the old, take turns to bate. Each team has 9 plyers.(夏日夜餐时,经常有非正式的棒球比赛。男孩女孩,年轻的年老的,都会轮流比赛。每个队有9个球员。)
But be in at present, of this one weapon apply by bate.(但在目前,这一武器的运用被软化了。)
Should some, vinegar is bate blood-vessel. But also want right amount.(应该有的,醋是软化血管的。但也要适量。)
Canny, sceptical, sympathetic: might Enobarbus, the humorously detached and yet emotionally entangled friend of Cleopatra's Antony come closest to him, Mr Bate wonders?(精明谨慎,生性多疑,富含同情。贝特先生推测,克利欧·佩特拉的朋友,幽默超脱而又多愁善感的安东尼,受否会是现实莎翁的写照?)
Even so, Mr Bate says his field work has convinced him that counterfeits kill at least 100,000 people a year, mostly in the poor world.(即便如此,贝特先生说,通过实地调查,他确信假药每年杀死至少十万人,大多数发生在贫穷国家。)
Harris and Mrs. Bate and three other teachers were there.(哈里斯和贝特夫人,还有其他三个老师在那里。)
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