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更新时间:2025-03-03 07:54:33


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副词: atonally

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1. characterized by avoidance of traditional western tonality

Synonym: unkeyed

1. (音乐)无调的
Atonal music is music that is not written or played in any key or system of scales.

1. 无调的:atonable 可补偿的 | atonal 无调的 | atonalism 无调性

2. (音乐)无调的:atlas 地图集 | atonal (音乐)无调的 | atone 赎罪,补偿

3. atonal的意思

3. 形容词,(音乐)无调的:86. athletics名词,运动,体育 | 87. atonal形容词,(音乐)无调的 | 88. atrociuos形容词,残忍的,凶恶的

4. atonal

4. 基本原理:拒绝经营refusal to deal | 基本原理 atonal | 记忆测试 recall tests

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Good for you, A. J ", she said. You're experimenting in atonal compositions."(“这对你有好处,A.J,”她说,“你是在尝试创作无调性的曲子吧。”)
There is great atonal music and terrible atonal music.(无调性音乐中既有宏伟动人之作,又有糟得吓人之作。)
There is hardly any atonal compositions in vocal music teaching.(在声乐教学中,几乎看不到无调性声乐作品的采用。)
An enormous literature exists on the relationship between abstract painting and atonal music, and the extensive Kandinsky-Schoenberg correspondence can be found on the Internet.(关于抽象绘画与无调性音乐之关系的文献汗牛充栋,康、勋二人之书信往来也能在互联网上找到。)
When you listen to atonal music, for example Schoenberg, you are stuck in your seat for a quarter of an hour that feels like many hours in a dentist's chair.(听无调性音乐时(比如勋伯格),在座位上坐一刻钟简直有如在牙医的诊断椅上坐了几小时。)
He has used aggressive tactics to popularize atonal music, even joining a symphony that specializes in the music of Shoenberg.(他利用积极手段普及无调音乐,甚至加入专门演奏舒恩伯格音乐的交响乐团。)
Another danger in trying to make your mappings complex is that you tend to code up your own musical prejudices (be they Eastern or Western, tonal or atonal) in those mappings.(让映射复杂化的另一危险之处在于容易在映射中编写自己的音乐偏好(东方或者西方,有音调或者无音调)。)
But for the more musically literate vandal, an atonal barrage probably works better.(不过对那些在音乐上有点儿修养的坏蛋来说,不成调调连珠炮似的乐曲就会更奏效。)
This is done mainly by elaborating the connections between Debussy's piano works and the Chinese culture in various aspects such as atonal mode, melody and rhythm, genre subjects and so on.(此部分从调式调性、旋律与节奏、题材与体裁、演奏等各方面阐述德彪西钢琴作品与中国文化之间的联系。)
Certainly there have been moments when that thinking has gone horribly awry — atonal music or molecular gastronomy.(当然,在某些时候这种想法结出了可怕的果实——例如非调性音乐或是分子料理。)
atonal是什么意思 atonal在线翻译 atonal什么意思 atonal的意思 atonal的翻译 atonal的解释 atonal的发音 atonal的同义词