The police station is close at hand.(警察局近在眼前。)
It's high time that you concentrated on your work at hand!(是该你集中精力做你手头上工作的时候了!)
These problems needed still another solution, and the ingredients for it lay close at hand.(这些问题还需要另一个解决方案,而解决问题所需的条件其实唾手可得。)
They are afraid of my beak; and I have always a witty answer at hand.(他们怕我的嘴,我总能随时给出机智的回答。)
At last the final act was at hand.(最后一幕终于上演了。)
Too often, the list is seen as the accomplishment for the day, reducing the immediate guilt of not working on the tasks at hand by investing energy in the list.(这太常见了,清单被看作是一天的成就,通过在清单上投入精力来减少没有完成手头工作的即时罪恶感。)
There were some side passages near at hand.(附近有几个叉路口。)
Victory is at hand!(胜利就在手边!)
To make it easier to get in touch with us, you'd better keep this card at hand.(为了方便跟我们联系,你最好留着这张卡片。)
Mulan gave me a pathetic lower-teeth-revealing smile and grunted a charity chuckle. Then she got back to the topic at hand.(穆兰勉强一笑,露出下颚的牙齿,发出善意的轻笑。接着她又回到现有的话题上。)
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