1. (biochemistry) interference in or inhibition of the physiological action of a chemical substance by another having a similar structure
2. an actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility
3. the relation between opposing principles or forces or factors
e.g. the inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism
4. a state of deep-seated ill-will
Synonym: hostilityenmity
1. 敌对;对立;对抗
Antagonism between people is hatred or dislike between them. Antagonisms are instances of this.
e.g. There is still much antagonism between trades unions and the oil companies...
e.g. Old antagonisms resurfaced.
1. antagonism是什么意思
1. 敌对:4.敌对(antagonism)阶段,当居民对游客旅游的正、负影响. 而在1960 年代末期提出的生态观光(ecotourism)观念,则是理与社区发展. 一九九三年,加拿大环境谘询委员会(CEAE)提出,生态观光是重视Ecotourism 中的字首eco 源自於希腊字oikos,
2. 拮抗作用:药物相互作用可分为三种不同的情况:相加作用(additive),协同作用(synergism)和拮抗作用(antagonism),其中协同作用和拮抗作用的定义是建立在相加作用的定义的基础之上的,即联合应用的作用大于相加作用为协同,反之为拮抗,
3. 拮抗:9.3.4 拮抗 (antagonism) 9.4 微生物群落的发展和演替 9.4.1 微生物群落演替的概念 9.4.2 演替的类型 9.4.3 微生物群落发展和演替 9.5 微生物在环境物质循环中的作用 9.5.1 碳素循环 (the carbOncycle) 9.5.2 氮素循环 (the nitrogencycle) 9.5.3 硫素循环 (the sulphurcycle) 9.5.4 磷素循环 (the phosphorus cycle) 9.5.5
The Government had not placed itself in antagonism to them.
出自:R. CobdenIn their whole tense attitudes is clearly revealed the bitter antagonism between them.
出自:E. OThe antagonism we felt for the audience.
出自:A. LurieThe general strike seems to have produced a lessening of class antagonism.
出自:A. J. P. Taylor